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臺南市從1976年第三屆區運會開始,締造橄欖球壇空前的十六連霸輝煌紀錄,因而贏得「府城王朝」的美譽。本研究是以臺南市橄欖球隊做為論述主體,採歷史研究法及訪談法,探討臺南市橄欖球隊自1946年發展以來,再到連霸而成為王朝的實踐及其轉變歷程,並以形塑「運動英雄」的研究路徑為其研究架構。其研究結果如下: 臺南市從連霸到王朝的實踐過程,其實是橄欖球運動文化中的英雄旅程,更是一種從「進場」、「歷險」、「實踐」、「記憶」的實踐歷程,其歷程受到諸多因素牽引,包括教練、選手、傳統、場地設備、組織等,球賽主持人及宣傳利器的廣播則是促使風氣興盛的有效手段之一。臺南市橄欖球隊在既「競爭」又「合作」的關係下,成為實踐連霸歷程的具體表徵,自弱到強的轉變歷程,如同英雄旅程般,經歷以下過程,包括開啟前人未啟之路、埋下第一顆種子、沉潛積蓄、南征北討、屢戰屢敗,歷經一連串的考驗、竭力淬鍊、突破現狀、備歷艱辛、克敵制勝、爭取至高榮譽。最後,當凱旋榮歸後,橄欖球隊持續注入無形的精神及凝聚的力量,使全市凝聚無比強大的向心力,成為休戚與共的共同體。大體而言,夢與魂都有其指涉另一層面的意義,在連霸「夢」上,表面是實現前輩們努力奮鬥的結晶及未了的夢想,為了榮耀而戰,內裏是為了理想或願望付諸實現,朝夢想的嚮往道路,努力奮戰;在王朝「魂」上,除了充分展現出地方的凝聚力與團結心,心中之魂即代表著不朽存有的精神體現。
Rugby team of Tainan has made Sixteen-peat record from 1976 the third provincial games, which won the "Tainan Dynasty" in the world. This study is based on the Rugby team as a discussion subject Tainan. Mining methods of historical research and interviews, focuses on the Rugby team of Tainan from 1946 to peat dynasty Practice and Transformation course. The model is based on the practice of shaping the research path "Sports Hero" for architecture. The results of their research are as follows: Tainan to practice from peat dynasty, In fact is a journey of rugby culture hero. It’s kind of "Adventure", "practice" Practical Course "memory". Its course by many factors traction ; one of the effective means, including coaches, players, traditional, site equipment, organization, moderator and match broadcast propaganda tool to promote culture is flourishing. Rubgy team of Tainan in both the "Competition" and the relationship between "cooperation", the practice became a specific characterization of peat history. From weak to strong transition process, as a hero's journey. Through the following procedure, predecessors did not start from the beginning of the road, planted the first seed, Downs savings, often had mishaps, defeated, after a series of tests, trying to quench the chain, break the status quo, prepared calendar hardships, to defeat the enemy, for the highest honor. When the victory comes and social integration, to share the joy of victory will go out and share the glory and making society more united. Generally speaking, dream and soul has its referential meaning another level. In the dream, the surface is the realization of predecessors and strive crystalline unfulfilled dreams, there is nothing more than an ideal or desires for the future into reality, longing for the road towards the dream of teaching, efforts to fight. On the soul of dynasty, in addition to fully demonstrated the cohesion and unity of the local heart, mind and soul of this immortal there, which represents the spirit embodied.



英雄旅程, 集體記憶, 臺灣區運會十六連霸, 實踐, hero's journey, Collective Memory, Sixteen-peat record provincial games of Taiwan, praxis





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