本研究旨在瞭解目前大學院校環境教育相關課程教師的專業背景、資源、課程教學、教師環境素養、環境教育教學目標達成度之現況;並進一步探討上述五者之間的相互關係、影響及預測力。根據教育部高教司暨學審會建構之「大學校院課程上網」系統,查詢近三年內環境教育相關課程的任課教師,施測後得到有效問卷522份。以自評式問卷進行調查,所得資料以描述性統計、單因子多變量變異數分析(one-way MANOVA)、典型相關(CANONICAL)及結構方程式(LISREL)分析處理後,可得以下重要結論:
一、 目前大專院校環境教育任課教師大多數屬於年輕、高學歷、進修意願高等可塑性極高的一群,營造出生意盎然的未來。
for One-way MANOVA , CANONICAL and SEM. The main conclusions of this study are as follows: 1.Most of the environmental education related university faculties are belong to the young category which are with the adaptability and the high educational background. For this reason, they will build the hopeful future in this field. 2.In the area of resources, the faculties feel better in their handling the administrators’ resources than getting enough funds. In the area of teaching curriculums, the scores in the item “the characteristic of the teaching material” are higher than the item “the teaching methods” and “the teaching roles”. Besides, the worst one is the item “the planning and participation of curriculums”. 3.The faculties’ self review “environmental literacy” was better than students’ “reachable environmental teaching goals”, the similar between faculties and students, both of them ware highest environmental awareness, moderate environmental attitude and knowledge, lowest environmental action and skills. 4.Significant differences in faculties’ whole environmental teaching were found with professional specialty, contents of curriculums , types of curriculums , seniority, environmental protection experience and environmental education training experience. 5.According to the model, “resources” were weak related to” teaching curriculums”, “environmental literacy” and ”reachable environmental teaching goals”(explanation amount are 7.005%,3.111%,4.395%). “Teaching curriculums” were more strongly significantly related(explanation amount are 38.829%) to “reachable environmental teaching goals” than ” environmental literacy”(explanation amount are 33.06%). 6.According to the model, “professional background” significantly predicted “resources”, “teaching curriculums”, “environmental literacy” and “reachable environmental teaching goals”. In addition, teaching curriculums is the most powerful predictor. However, if on ”teaching curriculums” and “environmental literacy”, the “professional background” would be negatively effective to “reachable environmental teaching goals”, and the “professional background“ would be positively effective to “reachable environmental teaching goals” by way of teaching curriculums and environmental literacy. 7.According to the model, “teaching curriculums” were the most effectively predictor for ”reachable environmental teaching goals”, the second effectively predictor were “environmental literacy” .Then, “the teaching roles” were the most effectively among curriculum teaching factors, and faculties’ “environmental skills” were the most effectively among environmental literacy factors. Recommendations of the university environmental faculties, education unit and follow-up researches were presented at the end of this thesis.
for One-way MANOVA , CANONICAL and SEM. The main conclusions of this study are as follows: 1.Most of the environmental education related university faculties are belong to the young category which are with the adaptability and the high educational background. For this reason, they will build the hopeful future in this field. 2.In the area of resources, the faculties feel better in their handling the administrators’ resources than getting enough funds. In the area of teaching curriculums, the scores in the item “the characteristic of the teaching material” are higher than the item “the teaching methods” and “the teaching roles”. Besides, the worst one is the item “the planning and participation of curriculums”. 3.The faculties’ self review “environmental literacy” was better than students’ “reachable environmental teaching goals”, the similar between faculties and students, both of them ware highest environmental awareness, moderate environmental attitude and knowledge, lowest environmental action and skills. 4.Significant differences in faculties’ whole environmental teaching were found with professional specialty, contents of curriculums , types of curriculums , seniority, environmental protection experience and environmental education training experience. 5.According to the model, “resources” were weak related to” teaching curriculums”, “environmental literacy” and ”reachable environmental teaching goals”(explanation amount are 7.005%,3.111%,4.395%). “Teaching curriculums” were more strongly significantly related(explanation amount are 38.829%) to “reachable environmental teaching goals” than ” environmental literacy”(explanation amount are 33.06%). 6.According to the model, “professional background” significantly predicted “resources”, “teaching curriculums”, “environmental literacy” and “reachable environmental teaching goals”. In addition, teaching curriculums is the most powerful predictor. However, if on ”teaching curriculums” and “environmental literacy”, the “professional background” would be negatively effective to “reachable environmental teaching goals”, and the “professional background“ would be positively effective to “reachable environmental teaching goals” by way of teaching curriculums and environmental literacy. 7.According to the model, “teaching curriculums” were the most effectively predictor for ”reachable environmental teaching goals”, the second effectively predictor were “environmental literacy” .Then, “the teaching roles” were the most effectively among curriculum teaching factors, and faculties’ “environmental skills” were the most effectively among environmental literacy factors. Recommendations of the university environmental faculties, education unit and follow-up researches were presented at the end of this thesis.
大學校院, 教師, 環境教育, 資源, 課程教學, 環境素養, 環境教育教學目標達成度, university, faculty, environmental education, resource, teaching curriculums, environmental literacy, reachable environmental teaching goals