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本研究目的是探討實施生活技能訓練在七年級學生的可行性與立即效果。研究採實驗設計,收取新北市一所國中七年級學生10個班級,隨機分派五個班級為實驗組,另五個班為對照組。實驗組接受為期十週,每週一節45分鐘的生活技能課程介入;對照組上原有健康教育課程。可行性評量以「課程學習單」及「教師教學省思」之文字資料進行整理,並輔以課程前後測,收集「衝動性量表」、「自尊量表」及「自我效能量表」為立即效果指標,以重複量數變異數分析進行統計處理,以了解實驗教學之成效。主要研究結果如下: 一、生活技能課程的教學活動,能提供良好互動教學環境,有助於社會關係的培養。 二、實施生活技能課程之後,弱勢學生的學習態度明顯轉為積極、主動,在上課的發言或上台演示情形明顯增加。 三、學生對於生活技能課程採用生活化的主題與多元的教學方法給予正向的肯定。 四、生活技能課程研究有助於教師不斷進行反思以改進教學,致其教學專業技能更為成長。 五、相較於對照組,實驗組學生在衝動性、自尊與自我效能,沒有顯著立即介入效果。
The purpose of this study is to examine the feasibility and to investigate the effects of life skills training amongs junior high school students in relation to self-efficacy, self-esteem, and impulsivenesse. The study used action research and an experimental method. Participants were students from ten seven-grade classes in a junior high school in New Taipei City. Five classes were randomly assigned to the experiment group, and the others were in the control group . Participants in the experiment group received a ten-week course on life skills, while those in the control group took the health education as usua. Students took pre-test before lessons, and completed post-test after lessons. The conclusions are:First, the life skills course provides an interactive teaching environment, and improves the social relationship between the students. Second, after the courses, students became more active and they expressed more talks and performance in class. Third, they liked the topics of skills and teaching approaches in courses. Fourth, the life skills course helped teachers improve their teaching skills. Fifth, no statistical significance was found in impulsivity, self-efficacy, or self- esteem between two groups.



生活技能, 青少年, 衝動性, 自尊, 自我效能, Life skills, adolescent, impulsivity, self-esteem, self-efficacy





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