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本研究針對北部某消防局之人員進行健康促進生活型態、睡眠品質及疲勞程度關聯性的研究,作為未來消防局職場健康促進策略的參考。本研究採橫斷式調查法,利用問卷方式收集資料,研究工具包括社會人口學變項、健康促進生活型態量表、匹茲堡睡眠品質量表、職場疲勞量表,共收回364份問卷,研究結果發現:一、研究對象的健康促進生活型態屬於中等程度,各構面量表得分從高到低依序為靈性成長、人際關係、壓力處理、營養、身體活動以及健康責任。二、研究對象中睡眠品質不佳(即PSQI>5)的有267人(73.4%),其各項指標得分由高到低分別為主觀睡眠品質、睡眠干擾、睡眠遲滯期、日間功能失調、習慣性睡眠效率、睡眠總時數、使用安眠藥。 三、研究對象的整體疲勞程度屬於中等程度,各構面得分由高到低為服務對象疲勞、個人疲勞、工作過度投入。 四、研究對象的健康促進生活型態會因性別、消防年資、職稱之不同而有顯著差異,其中以女性、消防年資11-15年及職稱為隊員或小隊長者表現較佳。 五、研究對象的疲勞程度會因為教育程度而有顯著的差異,其中教育程度為大學者高於教育程度為專科者。 六、研究對象的健康促進生活型態與睡眠品質呈負向關,代表健康促進生活型態總分越低者,其睡眠品質越差(即總分越高)。 七、研究對象的健康促進生活型態與疲勞程度呈負相關,代表健康促進生活型態總分越低者,其疲勞程度越高;睡眠品質與疲勞程度呈正相關,代表睡眠品質越差(即總分越高)者,其疲勞程度越高。 八、研究對象的教育程度、健康促進生活型態總分以及睡眠品質總分可解釋疲勞程度總變異量的22.4%,其中睡眠品質總分是最佳預測因子。 依據研究結果,提供健康促進計畫推動、政策及未來研究方向提出相關建議,期望能提升消防人員整體健康狀態。
This study investigates the correlation between health-promoting lifestyles, sleep quality, and fatigue levels among personnel in a fire department in the northern region, aiming to provide insights for future workplace health promotion strategies in fire departments. This study adopts a cross-sectional survey method, collecting data through questionnaires. The research tools include sociodemographic variables, Health-Promoting Lifestyle Profile II, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), and the Chinese version of Copenhagen Burnout Inventory. A total of 364 questionnaires were collected, and the findings are as follows:I. The health-promoting lifestyle of the subjects is moderate, with scores from high to low in the following order: spiritual growth, interpersonal relationships, stress management, nutrition, physical activity, and health responsibility.II. Poor sleep quality (PSQI> 5) is observed in 267 subjects (73.4%). The indicators from high to low are subjective sleep quality, sleep disturbances, sleep latency, daytime dysfunction, habitual sleep efficiency, total sleep duration, and use of sleep medication. III. The overall fatigue level of the subjects is moderate, with scores from high to low in the following order: service recipient fatigue, personal fatigue, and work-related exhaustion. IV. The health-promoting lifestyle of the subjects varies significantly bygender, years of firefighting service, and rank. Female, those with 11-15 years of service, and those holding positions as firefighters or team leaders perform better.V. Fatigue levels vary significantly based on education level, with those with a university education scoring higher than those with a college education.VI. There is a negative correlation between health-promoting lifestyle and sleep quality, indicating that lower health-promoting lifestyle scores are associated with poorer sleep quality.VII. There is a negative correlation between health-promoting lifestyle and fatigue levels, meaning that lower health-promoting lifestyle scores are associated with higher fatigue levels. There is a positive correlation between sleep quality and fatigue levels, indicating that poorer sleep quality is associated with higher fatigue levels.VIII. Education level, total health-promoting lifestyle score, and total sleep quality score together explain 22.4% of the total variance in fatigue levels, with the total sleep quality score being the best predictor.Based on the research findings, recommendations are provided for promoting health, policy-making, and future research directions to enhance the overall health status of firefighters.



消防人員, 健康促進生活型態, 睡眠品質, 疲勞程度, firefighters, health-promoting lifestyle, sleep quality, fatigue level





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