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本研究的主要目的在探討戒菸教育介入計畫對吸菸學生的影響,並了解吸菸學生對團體戒菸課程和戒菸個別輔導的評價。研究採用準實驗設計,實驗組學生進行團體戒菸課程與戒菸個別輔導,而對照組則不提供任何介入。實驗組與對照組皆實施前測、後測,及後後測。資料處理採用雪費正確機率考驗、魏氏曼惠特尼考驗,及魏氏帶符號等級考驗進行統計分析。 本研究的主要結果如下: 一、戒菸教育介入計畫能立即提升實驗組學生的「戒菸知識」、「戒菸技 巧」、及「戒菸自我效能」,並與對照組達顯著差異,且具延宕效果。 二、戒菸教育介入計畫能立即提升實驗組學生的「戒菸態度」、「戒菸行為意 向」、及「持續戒菸率」,但未能與對照組達顯著差異。且無法提升實驗 組學生的「吸菸危險知覺」。 三、戒菸教育介入計畫能降低實驗組學生的「一氧化碳值」並與對照組達顯著 差異,且能使「戒菸行為改變階段」正向的移動,並降低「尼古丁依賴程 度」及「每日吸菸量」。 四、實驗組學生對「團體戒菸課程」及「戒菸個別輔導」持正向評價。 本研究結果可作為發展國中生戒菸教育計畫的參考,未來研究者可以將本研究推廣到其他地區,藉此探討其適用性與成效。
The main purpose of this study was to explore the impact of the program on smoking students. The study also explored the evaluation on the group smoking cessation course and individual smoking cessation counseling among the students.The study used quasi-experimental design. The students in the experimental group received group smoking cessation course and individual smoking cessation counseling. The students in the control group did not receive intervention. Experimental and control groups answered questionnaires before, after, and three months after the smoking cessation course. The data were analyzed by using Fisher’s Exact Probability Test, Mann-Whitney U Test, and Wilcoxon-Signed-Ranks Test. The main results of the study are as follows: 1. The intervention program of the smoking cessation education could immediately increase knowledge of smoking cessation, skills of smoking cessation, and self- efficacy of smoking cessation among the students in the experimental group, and their improvement were significantly higher than the control group, in terms of immediate and long-term effects. 2. The smoking cessation program could immediately increase attitudes toward smoking cessation, intention of smoking cessation, and vate of continuous cessation. among the students in the experimental group, but their improvement was not significantly different from the control group. The program could not increase risk perception of smoking among the experimental group. 3. The smoking cessation program could reduce the level of carbon monoxide (CO) among the students in the experimental group. However,there were no significant difference between the experimental and control groups. The program could have positive effection on stages of chang, reduce the score of Fagerstrom test for nicotine dependence, and reduce the daily smoking amount among the experimental group. 4. The experimental group evaluated the group smoking cessation course and individual smoking cessation counseling positively. The results of the study can be used to further develop smoking cessation programs for junior high school students. Researchers can apply this study to other area in order to explore the program’s applicability and effectiveness.



團體戒菸課程, 戒菸個別輔導, 跨理論模式, 青少年, Group smoking cessation course, Individual smoking cessation counseling, Transtheoretical Model, Adolescent





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