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ELM (Elaboration Likelihood Model) is an important theory model that illustrate how individual form their attitude towards specific target. Our study is based on ELM, define the concept of involvement in detail by motivation, subjective knowledge and objective knowledge. Verify the assumption that under misconceived product arguments, novices in low involvement situation will take central route to process argument rather than take peripheral route to process cues to form target attitude and attitude certainty. Our study also discuss the effect of brand (product) name, verify that when this peripheral cue includes some misconceived feature like function, performance or ingredients, it will affect the target attitude and attitude certainty of experts in high involvement situation, means that the role of cue transfer to argument.
ELM (Elaboration Likelihood Model) is an important theory model that illustrate how individual form their attitude towards specific target. Our study is based on ELM, define the concept of involvement in detail by motivation, subjective knowledge and objective knowledge. Verify the assumption that under misconceived product arguments, novices in low involvement situation will take central route to process argument rather than take peripheral route to process cues to form target attitude and attitude certainty. Our study also discuss the effect of brand (product) name, verify that when this peripheral cue includes some misconceived feature like function, performance or ingredients, it will affect the target attitude and attitude certainty of experts in high involvement situation, means that the role of cue transfer to argument.
推敲可能性模式, 態度確定性, 多重角色, Elaboration likelihood model, Attitude certainty, Multiple roles