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摘 要 本研究旨在探討不同學習風格與個人變項的國中二年級學生接受結合數位資源的英語教學設計的科技輔助教學課程後在英語學習成效之差異。研究對象選取臺北市某國民中學的二年級兩個班級學生共56人,將其分為科技輔助教學組(實驗組)和傳統教學組(控制組),接受八週教學過程。兩組學生事前接受學習風格量表和「英語學習成效測驗」之前測,並且於課程實施之後接受「英語學習成效測驗」之後測。科技輔助教學組學生於課程結束後另外接受「課程滿意度調查表」的施測。 主要研究結果發現科技輔助教學組和傳統教學組在英語學習成效後測成績有統計上的顯著差異,其中科技輔助教學組的表現高於傳統教學組。不同學習風格的學生在英語學習成效後測成績部分有統計上的顯著差異,其中左腦、右腦、高統整型學生的表現不因教學方法不同而有顯著差異,不過低統整型學生的表現會因教學方法不同而有顯著差異;學生有一部分的不同個人變項在英語學習成效後測成績有統計上的顯著差異,其中男生的表現會因教學方法不同而有顯著差異,女學生的表現不會因教學方法不同而有顯著差異;高、中學前成績學生的表現會因教學方法不同而有顯著差異,低學前成績學生的表現不會因教學方法不同而有顯著差異;高學習經驗學生的表現不會因教學方法不同而有顯著差異,中、低學習經驗學生的表現會因教學方法不同而有顯著差異。科技輔助教學組的學生對科技輔助教學的課程滿意度方面,科技輔助教學組學生對科技輔助教學的課程滿意度達到統計上的顯著的水準,所以科技輔助教學組學生對科技輔助教學課程感到滿意。 研究發現與影響包括科技輔助教學在不同風格和不同個人變項的國中學生之英語學習成效後測成績均有不同的顯著影響與差異,國中英語教師可參考此差異與關係,進行更符合學習者個人特質的教學課程設計,並善加運用多元廣泛的數位資源融合於英語學習的教學活動之中,以觸發更有效的英語學習效果。 最後,根據本研究結果與影響,提出建議作為國中英語教學、教材設計、教育行政單位以及後續研究之建議,希望能為國中英語教學的設計與教學實務上的參考。
ABSTRACT This study explores the English learning effects of technology-assisted instruction and learners' learning styles on the eighth-grade students. The subjects were divided into 2 groups based on the two different teaching methods: one was technology-assisted instruction (experimental group), and the other was traditional teaching (control group). Both groups received “Learning Styles Scale” and pre-test and post-test of “English Achievement Test”. The experimental group also gave their responses to the questionnaire of course satisfaction. The main results are as follows: In the English Achievement Test, the experimental group performed significantly better than the control group. There were also significant experimental and control effects of differences among different types of learners' learning styles. The experimental group reported high percentage of satisfaction with the integrated approach in English learning. They became more involved in learning English with technology. There were different influences of technology-assisted instruction as well as traditional teaching on the experimental group and the control group. After applying different methods of teaching, the students of dissimilar learning styles in last semester had different performance in the English achievement test. After applying different methods of teaching, the students of dissimilar learning experiences had different performance in the English achievement test. According to the satisfaction survey and questionnaires, the students of the experimental group felt significantly satisfied with the technology-assisted instruction curriculum. The findings and the influences of this study: technology-assisted instruction manifested notable effects and differences on the junior high students with diverse styles and personal variances. Designing teaching curriculum, the English teachers in junior high schools may take the effects and differences into consideration. Meanwhile, the teachers can apply the digital resources in the English teaching activities to achieve more effective learning results. Finally, several suggestions were proposed based on this study for the reference of the English teaching in junior high school, the design of the curriculum, the educational administration, and the future research as well as the future applying in teaching.



科技輔助教學, 學習風格, 英語學習成效, technology-assisted instruction, learning styles, English learning achievement





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