dc.contributor | 國立臺灣師範大學應用華語文學系 | zh_tw |
dc.contributor.author | 籃玉如 | zh_tw |
dc.date.accessioned | 2014-10-30T09:27:12Z | |
dc.date.available | 2014-10-30T09:27:12Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2013-07-31 | zh_TW |
dc.description.abstract | 雖然3D多人互動虛擬情境可提供符合諸多語言研究學者所提之二語習得理論或是假說,並且任務型教學策略可提升學習者之標的語輸出以及習得成效,但目前以CSL/CFL學生為研究對象,實際觀察與分析他們在SL中進行不同語言學習任務時之溝通輸出內容與行為歷程之研究仍未見。再者,不同母語背景之CFL/CSL初學者在語言任務執行歷程中之華語輸出之正確性(accuracy)、流暢性(fluency)、與複雜性(complexity),以及任務執行成果之差異性仍待釐清。本計畫將分三年進行,以期回答以下四個研究問題:(一) CFL初學者在第二人生中執行任務的社會互動歷程中,常見的華語語法以及詞彙偏誤為何?(二)不同任務型態是否影響其華語語法以及詞彙偏誤的產生?(三)不同任務型態對CFL學習者在華語語法以及詞彙的習得歷程影響為何?(四)不同任務型態對CFL初學者在華語輸出的流暢性、正確性、以及複雜性的影響為何?本計畫第一年研究重點將利用內容分析法,確認CFL/CSL初學者之語法以及詞彙學習難點,並結合SL虛擬情境,設計不同型態之華語學習活動,再以60位CSL學生為對象,評估教材與活動的適切性。第二年研究重點為進行3D多人互動虛擬情境中不同型態語言任務之先行性研究。將根據二語習得理論以及任務型語言教學策略之原則,設計10個教學主題,並以60位來台學習華語之CSL初學者為研究對象,比較不同任務型態對CSL初學者在任務執行歷程中之華語輸出之正確性、流暢性、以及複雜性;並同時分析執行各種任務型態之CSL初學者其任務執行成果。第三年主要工作內容為進行3D多人互動虛擬情境中不同型態語言任務之跨文化實徵性研究,將以60位來台學習華語之CSL初學者以及60位澳洲Griffith University 的CFL初學者為研究對象,以同質以及異質兩種方式共分成12組,進行10個主題之任務教學,於過程中同時蒐集量化與質化資料,並分析比較不同任務型態對CSL、CFL初學者在任務執行歷程中之華語輸出之正確性、流暢性、與複雜性,以及任務執行結果;同時比較不同母語背景之華語學習者分析執行各種任務型態之華語習得暨任務執行結果。本計畫之成果不僅可確認不同任務型態以及提供歷程鷹架與否對CSL初學者執行語言任務之助益,並能釐清不同學習任務對CSL初學者在華語語法與詞彙習得方面之成效,同時奠定虛擬情境中華語習得理論之基石。本計畫成果亦能為華文數位產業規劃全球華語教材提供設計範例與模版,不僅可協助其加速教材之設計,更成為其教材設計之理論依據,對所開發教材之全球推廣有重要的助力。 | zh_tw |
dc.description.abstract | Despite the assumptions underlying the importance that 3D multi-user virtual environments prove to be effective for second language learning and that task-based approach is able to enhance learners’ output in the target language learning, to rigorously investigate or analyze CSL/CFL learners’ verbal communication and learning processing in SL based on the task-based approach has been rarely conducted. However, some issues need to be clarified in terms of the accuracy, fluency and complexity of the linguistic output produced by CFL/CSL beginners with multi-cultural backgrounds when performing language tasks. This current research will be conducted in three years’ time and the research questions are formulated accordingly: 1) What are the common linguistic errors of Chinese made by the novice learners while participating in the language tasks?; 2) How different types of tasks influence learners’ output in relation to their grammatical and lexical errors?; 3) To what extent, will different tasks affect learners acquiring grammar and vocabulary in Chinese?; 4) What is the relationship between the designed tasks and the fluency, accuracy and complexity of utterances produced by the CFL beginners? In the first year, this research will involve 60 beginners of Chinese in Taiwan and design and assess a series of activities implemented in SL in terms of the difficulty level of grammar and vocabulary. In the second year, the research focus on piloting ten designed tasks used in the 3D virtual environment on the basis of the principles of the task-based approach in SLA by comparison with differences in learners’ speech in terms of the three dimensions of accuracy, fluency and complexity and the analysis of outcome in performing the given tasks. In the final year, this empirical research will be further conducted in a cross-cultural context where two groups of beginners participate in this study; one group involves 60 CFL learners at Griffith University in Australia and the other consists of CSL students at National Taiwan Normal University. The total of 120 participants to be divided into 12 groups perform ten different types of tasks by adopting the quantitative and qualitative methodology to analyze the learners’ linguistic output according to the three aspects of fluency, accuracy and complexity and the performance of the tasks. The findings of the research not only will confirm whether various types of tasks in providing scaffolding facilitate second language acquisition, but also clarify the extent to which such tasks serve the purposes of acquiring the grammar and vocabulary in Chinese. As such, it will establish the theoretical framework of Chinese language learning in virtual worlds. The results of this research hopefully provide the digital language teaching materials design examples and templates in Chinese. | en_US |
dc.identifier | ntnulib_tp_H0106_04_005 | zh_TW |
dc.identifier.uri | http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/31409 | |
dc.language | chi | zh_TW |
dc.publisher | 行政院國家科學委員會 | zh_tw |
dc.relation | (行政院國家科學委員會研究計畫,NSC101-2511-S003-031-MY3) | zh_tw |
dc.title | 虛擬環境中不同型態任務對CFL學習者華語習得之比較研究 | zh_tw |