『與生命對話』,浪漫到時代新思維的和諧 - 林瑛哲繪畫創作與理念探討


形成創作必然是非常龐大的體系,本篇論文的範圍設定在,「浪漫抒情的靈性」;在創作的形式和內涵中加入更多的形而上之意念,展示更深層的真理及哲學的互動性,融入感性和直觀的特質。「寫實、現實到真實」;探討現實觀的寫實傳達,表現真實存在與意涵的共鳴。「象徵意涵的活泉」;反映個人的主觀感覺,把它引向虛無飄渺的“理念”世界,當象徵的想法存在時,我們的世界存在。「數位媒體新思維」;數位科技造就全新視覺藝術風貌,挑戰原有藝術形態的呈現,帶來劇烈的發酵作用,等四個方面的探討。作更深層的思想和解析,挖掘不同領域當中合於自己的搭配及價值理念。 本文探討個人創作的意識形態,發掘對這系列作品的影響因素,並在章節所論述的觀點裡,理出藝術創作中所牽動的學理及演變而來的各家觀點做為驗證。本論文,第一章;陳述個人創作研究的動機與目的,說明創作研究的範圍與方法步驟。第二章;創作的形成因素與學理依據,用藝術的手打開心靈的窗,用心耕耘創作,開啟「與生命對話」創作的園地。第三章;透過文獻理論及藝術史料探討浪漫到時代新思維的和諧。第四章;林瑛哲 2004~07年《與生命對話》系列創作作品的解析。第五章;結論。 藝術創造者在每個不同階段中,將會因為複雜的時空變異與內在自我的價值定位,產生細密而複雜的遷移與改變。突破、解決、調整、統合、累積理念與思想資源,進入宇宙和靈性的互動形成神性的觸發,展開以宇宙為本體的生命歷程,在創作上推陳出新勇闖實踐生命熱力。 思維與藝術創造不能作絕對的定位,要經常與內心和思想打交道及談判,進入主觀意識與環境時間的和諧理路。這就是「與生命作交集」,正是帶出筆者「與生命對話」的主題研究。追求崇高、卓絕、宏偉、莊嚴、浩瀚,釋放靈性的光芒。
The essay discusses the following four concepts: ◎ “Lyrical and romantic intelligence” - a mixture of the concept of metaphysics and modality and the connotation of the creation in order to show a deeper truth in the interaction of philosophy and the characteristics of perception viewed directly. ◎ Reality, actuality and truth- discussing real transmission of actuality which expresses sympathy between reality and connotation. ◎ Fountain with symbolic meaning- reflects personal subjective feelings in the entirely unreal “ideal” world. Our world exists when the symbolic thinking exists. ◎ New concept of digital media- digital science creates new forms of visual arts and they also work as an agent to challenge the existence of previous arts forms. Deeper analysis is needed to investigate what is the most suitable and applicable in different fields. This essay discusses the ideology in individual arts creation and the factors, which affect this series of work. Different art works and the different opinions of artist and experts are verifying them. Chapter one states the motivation and purpose of individual creation and explains the scope and procedures of the research. Chapter two provides the formation factors of a creation and its theoretical basis. Chapter three discusses the harmony from romance into contemporary thinking from the prospect of theories in documents and history of arts. Chapter four explains the series of “Communicate with Art Life” by Lin Yingjer from 2004-2007 and chapter five is the conclusion. In different stages of life, art creators shift and change subtly and their self-value is affected and becomes complicated because of complex space variation. They should penetrate, solve, adjust, integrate and accumulate ideas and to interact between the universe and intelligence and to/stimulate the spirit. They should also regard the universe as the nature of the life journey, develop their new art by weeding through the old and put some sparks into life. There is no absolute location for thinking and arts creation. We should make connection or negotiate with the inner world of our hearts so as to come into the harmonious way of subjectivity, environment and time. That is “mix with life”, which leads to the topic of the research in “Communicate with Art Life”. The topic is to pursue loftiness, extremity, magnificence, solemnity and extensiveness and let art glorify with intelligence.



生命對話, 浪漫, 真實, 象徵, 數位媒體新思維, 靈性, 林瑛哲, communicate with Art Life, romance, reality, symbolic meaning, new concepts of digital media, intelligence, Lin Ying Jer





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