校園人工溼地使用者之地方依附調查 ─以國立臺灣師範大學為例
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1. 使用者之地方依附、滿意度、負責任環境行為與行為意圖在不同使用者背景、使用經驗與參與程度上具有顯著差異,但使用者背景、經驗與參與程度變項對地方依附變異量的解釋強度普遍高於滿意度、負責任環境行為與行為意圖。
2. 地方依附與滿意度、負責任環境行為、行為意圖呈現正相關,而且地方依附對滿意度、負責任環境行為與行為意圖的預測皆達顯著,只是解釋力稍有不同,地方依附對行為意圖變異量的解釋力最高(R2=.377,F=235.29,p<.001)。
3. 滿意度與負責任環境行為、行為意圖呈現正相關,而且滿意度對負責任環境行為與行為意圖的預測皆達顯著,滿意度對行為意圖變異量解釋力(R2=.292,F=160.65,p<.001)高於對負責任環境行為的解釋力(R2=.207,F=101.66,p<.001)。
4. 地方依附模型在加入滿意度作為中介變項後,直接效果和間接效果都顯著,而且對於負責任環境行為與行為意圖的解釋力提高,顯示地方依附除了可以直接用來預測負責任環境行為與行為意圖之外,也會透過滿意度間接影響負責任環境行為和行為意圖。
5. 使用者認為人工溼地待改善的問題有:設備與設施老舊、外來種入侵、蚊蟲叮咬、水質混濁以及經營管理有待加強等。
To build a sustainable campus on the entire island nation of Taiwan, the Ministry of Education has been offered part of funds to renovate and create constructed wetlands on the campus of National Taiwan Normal University. Since this constructed wetland had constructed in 2004, not only this wetland treated campus wastewater but also provided the public multi-functional dimensions from environmental education to recreation services. This content of constructed wetland contains treatment of wastewater, maintenance and management of eco-campus, species investigation, and education programs, but seldom study to be detected on the researches from the relationships between constructed wetland’s performance and human-being’s disposition. So this is aimed at the goal to investigate the relationship of users’ place attachment, satisfaction, responsible environmental behavior and behavioral intention towards this constructed wetland on campus. This study used survey research, and the questionnaire is divided into six parts. The sampling methods are convenience sampling and purposive sampling. This research has been received 411 questionnaires, and has been analyzed 391 effective questionnaires. Results of the study indicated that: 1. Users’ place attachment, satisfaction, responsible environmental behavior and behavioral intention are significantly related to users’ background and experiences. 2. The relationship among users’place attachment, satisfaction, responsible environmental behavior and behavioral intention were positive and significant. Users’ satisfaction, responsible environmental behavior, and behavioral intention were significantly predicted to be relied on place attachment. 3. Users’ responsible environmental behavior and behavioral intention were significantly predicted to be explained by their satisfaction. 4. From the final result of path analysis, “satisfaction” could be detected to create an “intermediate relations” between behavioral intention (R2=.487) and responsible environmental behavior (R2=.275) as partial mediation effects from the beginner of the model, place attachment. 5. Users indicated some situation should be solved: broken facilities, invasive species, mosquito bites, turbid water, and rare management. According to the results, some suggestions are provided as follows. First, keep promoting environmental education and developing education programs are crucial to improve users’ place attachment. Second, improving users’ satisfaction is favorable for evaluations of constructed wetlands. Third, setting up an organization and employing full-time staffs who will be entirely responsible for the maintaince of constructed wetlands. Last, recruiting volunteers as well as students are necessary to monitor water quality and survey ecological contents regularly. Based on focusing to implement the recommendations of this studies to solve aforementioned issues are key to the goals toward sustainable management.
To build a sustainable campus on the entire island nation of Taiwan, the Ministry of Education has been offered part of funds to renovate and create constructed wetlands on the campus of National Taiwan Normal University. Since this constructed wetland had constructed in 2004, not only this wetland treated campus wastewater but also provided the public multi-functional dimensions from environmental education to recreation services. This content of constructed wetland contains treatment of wastewater, maintenance and management of eco-campus, species investigation, and education programs, but seldom study to be detected on the researches from the relationships between constructed wetland’s performance and human-being’s disposition. So this is aimed at the goal to investigate the relationship of users’ place attachment, satisfaction, responsible environmental behavior and behavioral intention towards this constructed wetland on campus. This study used survey research, and the questionnaire is divided into six parts. The sampling methods are convenience sampling and purposive sampling. This research has been received 411 questionnaires, and has been analyzed 391 effective questionnaires. Results of the study indicated that: 1. Users’ place attachment, satisfaction, responsible environmental behavior and behavioral intention are significantly related to users’ background and experiences. 2. The relationship among users’place attachment, satisfaction, responsible environmental behavior and behavioral intention were positive and significant. Users’ satisfaction, responsible environmental behavior, and behavioral intention were significantly predicted to be relied on place attachment. 3. Users’ responsible environmental behavior and behavioral intention were significantly predicted to be explained by their satisfaction. 4. From the final result of path analysis, “satisfaction” could be detected to create an “intermediate relations” between behavioral intention (R2=.487) and responsible environmental behavior (R2=.275) as partial mediation effects from the beginner of the model, place attachment. 5. Users indicated some situation should be solved: broken facilities, invasive species, mosquito bites, turbid water, and rare management. According to the results, some suggestions are provided as follows. First, keep promoting environmental education and developing education programs are crucial to improve users’ place attachment. Second, improving users’ satisfaction is favorable for evaluations of constructed wetlands. Third, setting up an organization and employing full-time staffs who will be entirely responsible for the maintaince of constructed wetlands. Last, recruiting volunteers as well as students are necessary to monitor water quality and survey ecological contents regularly. Based on focusing to implement the recommendations of this studies to solve aforementioned issues are key to the goals toward sustainable management.
永續校園, 人工溼地, 地方依附, 滿意度, 負責任環境行為, 行為意圖, sustainable campus, constructed wetland, place attachment, satisfaction, responsible environmental behavior, behavioral intention