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員工健康是企業的重要資產,根據國民健康署的調查,超過三分之一的企業員工有過重或肥胖問題,且身體疼痛為該族群最常見的健康問題。隨著科技及生活型態的轉變,逐漸走向以久坐為主的工作型態,將持續增加損害企業員工身體健康的風險。據此,本研究主要目的為探討為期8週的中斷久坐介入對於企業員工身體組成及疼痛狀況之影響,屬行動研究設計,透過便利取樣募集3位員工作為研究對象,自2023年3月至5月間,於工作日中以每30分鐘交換坐、站姿並使用升降工作桌進行辦公為介入措施。利用體重體脂肪計及身體疼痛量表進行測量。資料處理以Wilcoxon符號等級檢定分析前、後測的身體組成及疼痛之差異情形。主要研究結果如下:(一) 介入前,研究對象之身體組成數值(平均值±標準差)分別為 (1) 體重:60.8±7.8公斤、(2) 身體質量指數:24.1±3.0 kg/m2、(3) 體脂肪率:32.8±1.6 %、(4) 內臟脂肪程度:5.5±1.7、(5) 全身骨骼肌率:24.7±0.3%,頸、肩、腰、臀部皆屬輕度疼痛情形,平均職業久坐時間為7.1小時/工作日;(二) 介入後,研究對象回饋自覺身體痠痛感、工作疲勞度、工作效率以及其他身體健康效益皆呈有效改善且予以高滿意度。綜上所述,本研究主要發現為實施8週的中斷久坐介入雖於統計上未呈顯著差異,但3位企業員工主觀上皆自覺其身體健康狀況及工作效率上具正向改善之變化。建議未來研究可多增加樣本數、拉長介入週數或進行長期追蹤的縱貫性研究以探討中斷久坐介入對於企業員工的長期健康影響。
The health of employees is a vital asset for enterprises. Based on a survey from Taiwan, over one-third of company employees are overweight or obese, and physical pain is the most common work-related health issue. The prevalence of sedentary work styles is exacerbating the risk of health. This study aimed to examine the effects of an 8-week intervention to break up prolonged sitting on body composition and pain status among company employees. An action research design targeting on three employees was conducted using convenience sampling during March and May 2023. Participants alternated sitting and standing every 30 minutes using sit-stand workstation during workdays. Pre- and post-intervention data was collected using a body composition analyzer and a self-perceived pain questionnaire. The Wilcoxon signed-rank test was used. The results showed that (A) pre-intervention measures revealed (a) weight: 60.8±7.8 kg; (b) body mass index: 24.1±3.0 kg/m2; (c) body fat percentage: 32.8±1.6%; (d) visceral fat level: 5.5±1.7; (e) overall skeletal muscle percentage: 24.7±0.3%, mild pain status, and sitting time averaged 7.1 hours per workday. (B) Individual feedback indicated improvements in self-perceived physical discomfort, work fatigue, work efficiency, and other health benefits. Conclusion: After an 8-week intervention in breaking up prolonged sitting, all participants reported positive health status and work efficiency improvements despite the lack of statistically significant changes. It is suggested that future studies can increase more representative samples or conduct longitudinal studies to evaluate long-term health effects among office workers.
The health of employees is a vital asset for enterprises. Based on a survey from Taiwan, over one-third of company employees are overweight or obese, and physical pain is the most common work-related health issue. The prevalence of sedentary work styles is exacerbating the risk of health. This study aimed to examine the effects of an 8-week intervention to break up prolonged sitting on body composition and pain status among company employees. An action research design targeting on three employees was conducted using convenience sampling during March and May 2023. Participants alternated sitting and standing every 30 minutes using sit-stand workstation during workdays. Pre- and post-intervention data was collected using a body composition analyzer and a self-perceived pain questionnaire. The Wilcoxon signed-rank test was used. The results showed that (A) pre-intervention measures revealed (a) weight: 60.8±7.8 kg; (b) body mass index: 24.1±3.0 kg/m2; (c) body fat percentage: 32.8±1.6%; (d) visceral fat level: 5.5±1.7; (e) overall skeletal muscle percentage: 24.7±0.3%, mild pain status, and sitting time averaged 7.1 hours per workday. (B) Individual feedback indicated improvements in self-perceived physical discomfort, work fatigue, work efficiency, and other health benefits. Conclusion: After an 8-week intervention in breaking up prolonged sitting, all participants reported positive health status and work efficiency improvements despite the lack of statistically significant changes. It is suggested that future studies can increase more representative samples or conduct longitudinal studies to evaluate long-term health effects among office workers.
久坐行為, 職場健康促進, 人因性危害, Sedentary behavior, Workplace health promotion, Ergonomic hazards