
dc.description.abstract台灣設計產業過去較偏重工業設計推動,但在全球化下,商業設計產業的強化有助於設計整體產業更具競爭力。而台灣產業政策過去以來為台灣積累了厚實製造能力,因此探討商業設計產業政策有助於設計政策推展。本研究試以經濟部商業司所推動的「提升商業設計計畫」為研究對象,以產業政策的角度,來探討設計產業的推動與發展,來瞭解政策在設計產業的設計與執行的適切性,以及扮演的角色與地位,並檢視產業政策在新經濟時代的適用性與有效性,以及可能扮演的角色與定位。研究內容包括:1.有關文化創意產業、設計產業的定義、特性以及關連性、2.我國文化創意產業與設計產業的政策發展演進、3.探討設計政策的設計與推動機制,以檢視台灣設計提昇的執行成效。 參照前述相關理論與文獻回顧,以及回顧台灣過去的經濟發展歷程,歸納出幾項原則,作為本研究的分析架構,進而分析出現有計畫有幾項課題,需要去解決。首先,在計畫執行部份,過於零碎,以致規模過小,無法具有統整性。其次,仍流於部門本位,過度強調產業本身,對於如何共同形塑具有「台灣品牌」的意象,並無太大的著力,以致各項計畫執行無明顯的軸線,難以突顯其計畫的重要性與必要性。而設計產業政策的設計策略與原則上,計畫有建制與私人部門溝通管道,具有公共財概念及作法,但及時更新能力不足,活動外溢和示範效應沒有凸顯。又推動機制設計與實際執行的情形上,未能有效結合在地文化,以發展建立商業設計服務特色,及凸顯出地方重要性。並提出幾項建議:策略面上要支持具示範性的旗艦企業、執行面要加強創造產業的公共財,提供企業來共同分享、環境面上要有制度學習與更新能力。 本研究發現產業政策在新經濟時代仍有其目的,但需有適當的角色與定位。設計產業發展與政策仍有密切關係,因此後續產業發展研究者可將此面向納入參考。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractTaiwan's design industry in the past paid more attention to industrial design, but under the globalization commercial design is able to upgrade the industry more competitive. Taiwan's industrial policies in Taiwan have accumulated manufacturing capabilities over the past decades, and therefore exploring the policies of commercial design can help understanding the policies of design industry. Take an example of “promoting the project of commercial design" implemented by Department of Commerce, Ministry of Economic affair, to explore the promotion and development of design industry and understand our policies of the design industry. The study includes: 1. the definition, characteristics and connectionness of the cultural-creative industry and design industry 2. the evolution and development of the policies of Taiwanese cultural-creative industry and design industry. 3. To explore the mechanism of the policies of design industry to illustrate the effectiveness of policy implementation. Based on the related literature and the empirical experience of Taiwanese economic development, this study provides some principles as the analytical framework, thus there are several issues need to note. First of all, implementing the project is too fragmented and the scale is too small, so that it is hard to integrate it. Secondly, implementing the project puts too much emphasis on the industry itself, ignoring how to work together shaping the imaginary of "Taiwan brand" and thus it is difficult to highlight the importance of the project. Thirdly, the project has created and accumulated public goods, and has established the platform between the public and the private to exchange the information. However, there is not enogh in spillover and demonstration effects of the project and didn’t update just in time. Finally, the project didn’t highlight the importance of the local, especiallythe integration with local culture, to reinforce the characteristics of design industry. There are several implications as follows. Strategically, it needs to support national flagships with demonstration effects. In terms of implementing the project, it needs to create more public goods to share. In terms of creating the suitable environment for enterprises, it needs to reinforce the capabilities to learn and update in policy-making. It founds that industrial policy in the new economic era still has its purpose, but it requires proper role and position. Taiwan's design industry development and policy still have closely relationship, so the researchers could follow-up to this for industrial development into the reference.en_US
dc.subjectdesign industryen_US
dc.subjectcommercial designen_US

