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一、As a House:各機構確實朝著家庭式照顧的理念前進著,但因為模糊的家屋與廳室界線、缺乏空間擁有權以及有限的物品使用權,讓安置兒少與他們所生活的家屋,呈現出某種程度的斷裂,只能透過創造可能的私人空間,增加自己和這個家屋空間的互動。
二、As a Family:即便在理論上可以因著依附發展是多重且持續、並藉由安全堡壘的型塑將機構內的照顧者與被照顧者建構為互相許諾且分享的類家人,但在受訪者的經驗中,要發展出穩定且安全的依附關係並不容易。除了依附的展開並非必然、是需要特意去營造之外,機構生活中缺乏足夠的安全經驗也影響著被照顧者與照顧者雙方的依附發展。
三、As a Home:透過規律的生活、制式的作息表以及和同儕共同重塑規則之過程讓這些安置兒少在機構生活中經驗到「在家感」,對機構的共同回憶也讓這些離院生產生對機構家認同,不過,社會大眾對家以及機構的刻板印象,是他們在建構機構在家感與家認同的一大挑戰。
The purpose of this qualitative research is to construct the residential placements’ meaning of home through the experiences of care leavers; to understand how the out-of-home placement experiences influence their home image; and to further provide related policy and practical suggestions. The researcher uses in-depth interview method to have dialogue with 9 care leavers who entered into residential placements before 15 and stayed for at least 2 years. The conclusions are as follows: 1.As a House: Children’s homes are working really hard to provide a family-like care to the children in care. In the opinion of the interviewees, however, the unclear boundaries of the household and rooms, lack of the rights to possess secure personal space, and limited chance to use the facilities inside the institutions make them feel alienated from their living space. Only if they successfully create their own personal space will they feel related to that place. 2.As a Family: Even though the attachment theory tells the possibilities of creating a semi-family relationship between the carers and the children in care, in the experiences of the interviewees, the unwillingness to attach to each other and the lack of safe experiences in daily life make the mission difficult. 3.As a Home: Through routine life, strict living schedule, the process of recreating their own hidden rules with peers, and the sharing memories of the institution, the interviewees experience the sense of “being at home” and construct their home-identity of those spaces. However, the general public’s stereotypes of “Home” and “residential placement” become a big challenge for them to feel they are being at home and construct a consistent home-identity. 4.The influences to home image: In the interviewees’ definition of “Home”, it could be easily discovered that the lack of a long-term accompaniment, mutual commitment and sharing relationship subsequently result in their uni-desire for a permanent relationship. Besides, in the view of those who have already built their own nuclear family, they find their residential care experience make both of the spouses’ family and the interviewees have certain stereotypes against each other at the beginning of their marriage, but the strong ability of maintaining household acquired from the placement experience endows them with an ease when dealing with family life. According to the conclusions, the study provides some suggestions to improve and modify our service system. Last but not least, if “every child should have a safe and permanent home” is the system’s philosophy, the government should not only encourage residential placements become more family-like, but also work hard to enrich other out-of-home placement resources.
The purpose of this qualitative research is to construct the residential placements’ meaning of home through the experiences of care leavers; to understand how the out-of-home placement experiences influence their home image; and to further provide related policy and practical suggestions. The researcher uses in-depth interview method to have dialogue with 9 care leavers who entered into residential placements before 15 and stayed for at least 2 years. The conclusions are as follows: 1.As a House: Children’s homes are working really hard to provide a family-like care to the children in care. In the opinion of the interviewees, however, the unclear boundaries of the household and rooms, lack of the rights to possess secure personal space, and limited chance to use the facilities inside the institutions make them feel alienated from their living space. Only if they successfully create their own personal space will they feel related to that place. 2.As a Family: Even though the attachment theory tells the possibilities of creating a semi-family relationship between the carers and the children in care, in the experiences of the interviewees, the unwillingness to attach to each other and the lack of safe experiences in daily life make the mission difficult. 3.As a Home: Through routine life, strict living schedule, the process of recreating their own hidden rules with peers, and the sharing memories of the institution, the interviewees experience the sense of “being at home” and construct their home-identity of those spaces. However, the general public’s stereotypes of “Home” and “residential placement” become a big challenge for them to feel they are being at home and construct a consistent home-identity. 4.The influences to home image: In the interviewees’ definition of “Home”, it could be easily discovered that the lack of a long-term accompaniment, mutual commitment and sharing relationship subsequently result in their uni-desire for a permanent relationship. Besides, in the view of those who have already built their own nuclear family, they find their residential care experience make both of the spouses’ family and the interviewees have certain stereotypes against each other at the beginning of their marriage, but the strong ability of maintaining household acquired from the placement experience endows them with an ease when dealing with family life. According to the conclusions, the study provides some suggestions to improve and modify our service system. Last but not least, if “every child should have a safe and permanent home” is the system’s philosophy, the government should not only encourage residential placements become more family-like, but also work hard to enrich other out-of-home placement resources.
家意義, 安置機構, 家外安置, meaning of home, residential child care, out-of-home placement