
dc.contributorChen, Su-Chiuen_US
dc.contributor.authorHung, Hsin-Leien_US
dc.description.abstract童軍運動創始初期即帶有打造男性陽剛與女性陰柔的性別意識形態,國外有不少以性別觀點切入的童軍運動相關文獻,我國現有研究則付之闕如,故本研究旨在探究我國童軍運動的性別化意涵,並分析童軍團長的性別意識與教學實踐,以瞭解童軍團長在團務帶領中實踐性別平等教育的困難與可能。  本研究採質性研究取向,對童軍相關文本進行文本分析,並以四位國中學校童軍團長為研究主體,透過深度訪談與參與觀察蒐集資料。 主要研究發現如下: 一、我國童軍運動仍為性別化的場域,可能藉由服裝規定、考驗制度、童   軍會的權力運作、尊崇傳統童軍技能等制度與作為加以鞏固性別秩 序。 二、童軍團長對於童軍會陽剛文化呈現接受與抗拒等不同回應,但卻可能   推崇陽剛特質,鼓勵性別氣質光譜坐落陰柔端的團員展現陽剛,此作   為可能鬆動女性應該符合陰柔形象的僵固期待,但亦可能對陰柔者產   生壓迫。 三、童軍團長多能以社會建構論出發,意識到性別不平等的存在,因而在   教學實踐上,實現性別平等教育理念,然而矛盾的是,團長亦會以生   物本質論強調性別差異,因此可能再製性別意識形態。惟研究發現部   分童軍團長接受性別平等論述,能尊重團員的多元性別展現,呈現出   童軍文本未見的多元性別意識。   從研究獲知,因性別意識差異,童軍團長可能維繫或鬆動童軍運動既有的性別結構,因此本研究認為當團長確實投入性別平等教育,再從實踐中與自身經驗相互辯證,並與其他童軍團長進行交流與討論,則能減少性別意識形態的再製,提升童軍運動的性別平等教育成效。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractSince its establishment, the Scout Moventment has been rooted with the gender awareness of males being masculine and females being feminine. Essays regarding the gender aspects of Scouting are common in other countries, but very few in Taiwan. Therefore, the objective of this study is to interpret the gender implication behind Taiwan’s Scout Moventment, as well as the scoutmasters’ gender consciousness and educational praxis, in order to understand the difficulties and possibilities of carrying out gender equality education in leading scout activities. Qualitative research method is applied to this study, with text analysis of scout-related documents and in-depth interviews and observation of four junior high school scoutmasters being the sources of the study materials. The major findings are as below: 1.The current Taiwanese Scouting is a gendered site, as gender orders are consolidated by systems such as uniform rules, advancement scheme, the power operation of local councils, and the honoring of traditional scouting skills. 2.Even though the four scoutmasters showed a variety of responses ranging from acceptance to resistance, it is possible that they might tend to promote a more masculine gender quality and encourage members who fall in the feminine degrees of the gender quality spectrum to reveal their masculine aspects. Although it might loosen the fixed expectation of females being feminine, it might also increase stress on members with a more feminine image. 3.Most scoutmasters are able to recognize the existence of gender inequality based on Social Constructivism, therefore carrying out gender equality ideals in their education process. On the contrary, gender ideology might be reproduced, as the scoutmasters tend to emphasize on gender differences according to Biological Essentialism. Nevertheless, the study has discovered that some of the scoutmasters accept the gender equality ideal and respect the members’ diverse gender expressions, revealing diverse gender consciousness undiscussed in the scout-related documents. According to this study, scoutmasters might either tighten or loosen the current gender structure in Scout Moventment based on the differences in their gender awareness. It is therefore concluded that the reproduction of gender ideology can be reduced, and that the gender equality education in Scout Moventment can be effectively improved, if scoutmasters are willing to be personally involved with gender equality education through the cross-analysis between applications and self-experience, as well as the interaction and discussion with other scoutmaster colleagues.en_US
dc.subjectgender consciousnessen_US
dc.subjectgender equity educationen_US
dc.titleThe Scoutmasters’ Gender Consciousness and Praxisen_US

