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本研究主要目的探討心智圖融入公民科教學對國中學生學習成效之影響。本研究採取行動研究法,以台北市快樂國中七年級學生共26位為研究對象,進行為期四個月的心智圖教學。以「課堂觀察」、「問卷」、「學習單」、「訪談大綱」等為研究工具,根據研究目的,將上述工具進行分析。研究者根據研究過程及結果提出省思,並對後續教學提出建議,以作為未來教學及研究之參考: 一、心智圖融入公民科教學的整體規劃與實施部分:教師訂定的教學目標應著重在培養學生認知策略與自主學習;教學方案與內容規劃應朝向多元與豐富,並應確實指導學生掌握心智圖策略以運用學習材料完成學習;教學活動安排,宜視教學情況適時調整活動與學習材料,讓學生學習更有效果;研究者與協同教師及學生間共同建立 Rubrics評量規準並能達成共識,使學生能掌握優勢,知道運用心智圖策略;分組合作教學情境,安排合宜座位,有利於同儕間互相指導與學習。 二、心智圖融入公民科教學後,學生在公民科學習成就、學習動機與學習興趣、同儕合作能力等均有所提升;唯因學生心態所致,在自主學習與運用學習策略表現需再加強。 三、心智圖融入公民科教學,教師在進度與趕課壓力下,每堂課的融入課程不宜規劃太多;對於學習動力低並藉同儕合作聊天者,將其安排特殊座位或是賦予其任務,使其態度與行為改變;另外研究者因為受限於研究時間與設計 Rubrics 規準能力,Rubrics評量規準的恰當性應與教師與專家進行討論,對其內容部分需不斷地修正,以讓學生明確清楚評分標準,以利學習。 四、心智圖融入公民科教學後,教師在專業成長部分:能翻轉教學模式,讓學生的學習成為有意義的學習;能分析教學情境,發現問題並改進之,提升行動研究的能力;能嘗試Rubrics評量規準,提供學生多元表現機會,培養學生多元的能力。 關鍵詞:心智圖、同儕合作學習、學習成效
The purpose of this study is to explore the influence of the integration of mind mapping into civics class on junior high students’ learning effects. In this study, the action research method was adopted, and a total of 26 seventh-graders from Happy Junior High School in Taipei City participated in a four-month civics course, where mind mapping was integrated. Research tools used were “classroom observation," "questionnaires," "learning sheets," and “interview guides.” Collected data were analyzed according to the research purpose. The researchers put forward thoughts based on the process and findings of the research, and made the following suggestions for follow-up teaching, which served as the reference for future teaching and research: 1. The overall planning and implementation of civics teaching integrated with mind mapping: The teaching objectives set by instructors should focus on developing learners’ cognitive strategies and independent learning ability. Besides, teaching plans and content planning should be diverse, and instructors should guide learners to master their cognitive strategies so as to help them complete their learning tasks using learning materials. Also, the arrangement of the teaching activities and learning materials should be flexible enough to be adjusted according to the teaching situation in order to maximize learners’ learning effects. Moreover, to facilitate learners to take advantage of mind mapping in learning, the researcher, the instructor, and learners work collaboratively to establish the assessment criteria Rubrics, based on a common consensus. Finally, cooperative learning and proper classroom seating arrangement facilitate peer instruction and learning. 2. Results show that after the mind mapping is integrated into civics class teaching, the learners’ achievement, learning motivation, interests in learning, and peer-to-peer cooperation ability are improved. Yet, the performance of independent learning and using learning strategies needs to be strengthened, where learning attitude might be the cause. 3. Under the pressure of school teaching schedule, the amount of mind mapping integration teaching should not be too much. For low achievers with lower learning motivation, their seats are suggested to be specially arranged and special tasks can be assigned to change their learning attitude and behaviors. With the limits of research time and the researcher’s competence for Rubrics design, the appropriateness of the Rubrics for assessment should be discussed with the instructor and experts, and the criteria should be constantly revised so as to acquaint the learners with assessment criteria and therefore benefit their learning. 4. The instructor’s professional growth after mind mapping is integrated into civics teaching: The teaching model can be flipped to make students’ learning more meaningful. The instructor becomes able to analyze his/her teaching situations, find his/her problems and solve them, improve his/her ability to conduct an action research, use the assessment criteria Rubrics, provide multiple learning opportunities for students, and help students develop diverse abilities. Keywords: mind mapping, cooperative learning, learning effect.



心智圖, 同儕合作學習, 學習成效, mind mapping, cooperative learning, learning effect





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