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本研究旨在探討目前國民小學特殊教育經費的使用與需求概況,透過訪談國小普通班教師、資源班導師、特教班導師和特教組長的結果,提出關於特殊教育領域行政決策之建議。為達上述研究目的,本研究採取質性研究取向,以十名與特殊需求學生有接觸之學校人員為研究對象。 根據本研究文獻探討結果與研究發現綜合分析,本研究結論歸納如下: 壹、 特殊教育經費認知與使用情形方面 一、 國民小學裡最瞭解特殊教育經費來源、分配與使用的人是特教組長,其次是特殊教育教師,最後是班上有特殊需求(含ADHD)之普通班教師。 二、 班上有特殊需求(含ADHD)之普通班教師與資源班教師主要透過「開會」方式進行「互動溝通」與「合作諮詢」,溝通重點著重學生行為問題的交流,並未擴及教材購買與使用,或其他經費使用與資源分配的討論。 三、 資源班教師會充分運用每學年補助的教材費與設備費,實務申購流程是在特教組長認可下運用該筆經費,教師不會主動去暸解相關特教法規之變更。 貳、 特殊教育經費使用滿意度與融合教育滿意度方面 一、 特教人員普遍認為特殊教育經費最大的困難是「經費不足」,其次是「人力資源」;經費的使用則是有符合「專款專用」原則,而所有特殊教育經費中最令整體特教人員滿意且無爭議的是「交通補助費」。 二、 目前我國特殊教育經費分配仍以特殊教育標記為主,符合做法簡便明確、專款專用之原則,但對於領有手冊以外的疑似生在過渡時期無法獲得補助,似乎無法提供整體性、全面性的資源分配考量。 三、 整體受訪者對於融合教育落實滿意度的差異極大,而班上有特殊需求(含ADHD)之普通班教師和特教組長對於融合教育現況的滿意度又大於部分資源班教師的意見。 參、 特殊教育經費之其他需求 一、 班上有特殊需求(含ADHD)之普通班教師對於班級中普通學生減少人數與特殊學生人數的增加比例看法不一致,教師不願意接受特教學生在班級中就讀的原因也不一。 二、 班上有特殊需求(含ADHD)之普通班教師與資源班教師對於全時助理員或部分時數助理員入班協助的看法不一致,其中影響因素主要為「學生的障礙程度」與「融合班導師的班級經營能力」。 三、 部分障礙程度的學生要安置於資源班或特教班的兩難,使得實務上學校資源和空間、器材的分配相當困難。 四、 影響特殊教育經費的分配與使用的因素包括「校長對特殊教育的態度」和「行政處室彼此對學校預算的意見不同」,而整體特教人員對於特殊教育經費的其他需求包括了「購置電腦互動軟體」、「知動教室器材添購費用與維修費用」,並考慮其他募款方式以增加財源。 本研究根據上述結論,分別針對特殊教育行政主管機關、班上有特殊需求(含ADHD)之普通班教師、資源班教師與特教班教師、特教組長與未來研究等五個方面提出具體之建議。
This study aimed to explore the use and needs of special education funding in the current integration, but identification by special instruction the number of students up to the head of view of the integration of classes of the most difficult ADHD student class instructors, as well as elementary special education and comprehensive view of the resource class teacher, special education instructors, who presented the recommendations of the administrative decision-making in the field of special education. To achieve the above purpose, this study took a qualitative research orientation, 10 in contact with ADHD students of special education personnel, and to collect data through interviews and document analysis. In accordance with the literature results and the study findings are summarized as follows: About the cognition and the use of special education funding: 1. People that he has best understanding of special education funding sources, distribution and use is special education leader, followed by special education teachers, and finally the integration class teachers. 2. ADHD integration class teachers and resource room teachers make a communication through a meeting, and they usually focused on ADHD students' behavioral problems. In other words, they didn’t discuss textbooks to buy or to use, or other use of funding. 3. Resource room teachers will make full use of textbooks and equipment costs, and practical purchase process is the use of the sum under the head of the recognition of the special education funding. Teachers do not take the initiative to understand the change of special education laws and regulations. About special education funding Satisfaction and inclusion satisfaction: 1. First, the special education teachers believe that the greatest difficulty of the special education funding is "insufficient funds", followed by "human resources". The use of funds is in accordance with the principle of "earmarking", and all special education funding in the most overall special education staff satisfaction and controversial transportation allowances. 2. At present Taiwan’s special education allocation of funds is still on the marker-based, but suspected other than the licensed Manual of Health during the transitional period can not get benefits, can not seem to provide a holistic, comprehensive resource allocation. 3. Overall respondents have different answers form the satisfaction of inclusion. ADHD integration class teachers and special education team leader have higher scores of satisfaction than resource room teachers. About other special education funding needs: 1. ADHD integration class teachers have different views of for the class to reduce the number of ordinary students to increase special students. And they are unwilling to accept the special students for different reasons. 2. ADHD integration class teachers and resource room teachers have different views in full-time or part time assistants, the main factors based on the disabilities of the special students and teachers’ management capacity. 3. Some special students should be placed in resource classes or special classrooms become a dilemma, and it makes some difficulties to distribute school resources, special funding, and the use of space in elementary school. 4. The factors of special education funding allocation and use are the principle’s manners to special education and the staff in school administration. Besides, all special staff’s needs of special funding and resource are the acquisition of interactive computer software, dynamic classroom equipment purchase costs and maintenance costs, and consider other methods in fundraising in order to increase revenue sources. Based on the findings and conclusions of the study, suggestions were made for policy makers, ADHD integration class teachers, resource room teachers and special teachers, and future syudies concerned.



ADHD, 普通班教師, 資源班教師, 融合教育, 特殊教育經費, ADHD, integration class teacher, resource room teacher, inclusion, special education funding





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