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國家文化一直與文化產業息息相關,因此許多國家將自己的文化產業視為國家重要的戰略產業,而電影產業已經存在許多年,同時也是人們很熟悉的娛樂方式,重要性自然不在話下,韓國電影從過去就很受到全球電影產業的重視,2019 年的《寄生上流》更是一舉獲得了奧斯卡最佳影片獎、奧斯卡最佳導演獎、奧斯卡最佳原創劇本獎、金棕櫚獎等等的獎項,這樣的成功案例能夠激勵國內的投資者對於這個產業更有信心,也更願意投資這個產業,文創產業初期往往缺乏資金,投資人會因為高風險而卻步,因此韓國電影能成長至此,自然脫離不了政府的扶持。本研究以韓國和臺灣作為研究對象,利用次級資料、比較分析與深度訪談等等的研究法,研究發現臺灣與韓國對於電影產業在資金政策上有許多差異,其中最大的原因還是因為兩國電影發展歷史的差異,韓國大企業在電影產業內有很大的影響力,從上游拍攝到下游放映通常都由一個企業所管控,這樣的產業模式也讓韓國電影更能預測哪些電影會有更高的收益,久而久之就讓韓國電影有了很強的競爭力,政府的投資也能根據電影的收益可能進行是否投資的評估;相反的,臺灣電影沒有辦法利用這種模式,電影產業也還不是這麼成熟,因此在資金方面的幫助採用更能夠幫助臺灣電影產業的政策,來協助臺灣電影的發展。
The national culture has always been closely related to the cultural industry, so many countries view their cultural industries as strategically important. The film industry, which has been around for many years and is a familiar form of entertainment, is naturally of great significance. South Korean films have long been recognized by the global film industry, and the success of"Parasite" in 2019, winning multiple awards including the Oscar for Best Director, further boosted confidence and investment in the industry. In the early stages of the cultural and creative industry, lack of funding often deters investors due to high risks, hence the government's support is crucial for the growth of South Korean cinema. This study focuses on South Korea and Taiwan, using secondary data, comparative analysis, and in-depth interviews as research methods. It reveals significant differences in the financial policies for the film industry between the two countries, primarily due to their distinct historical development in the film industry. South Korean cinema is influenced by large corporations, which control the entire filmmaking process from production to distribution. This industrial model allows for better prediction of films' potential profitability, making South Korean cinema more competitive, and the government's investment decisions are often based on revenue projections. In contrast, Taiwan lacks such an industrial model, and its film industry is not as mature, leading to the adoption of different policies to support its development in the financial aspect.



臺灣, 韓國, 投資, 電影, 產業, 政策, Taiwan, Korea, invest, movie, industry, policies, financial





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