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地理學兼具自然科學及社會科學的性質,因此中學地理學科的授課綱要相當廣博及多元,相對的地理教材內容也非常的多。如此地理教學策略必須兼具兩者的特性,再者現行的地理授課時數又減少,因此教應該能提供給學生更多的學習方式,而讓地理的教學更活潑、靈活及有效。 本文的研究目的有:(1)探討學習者如何將其認知結構與地理學的知識結合做有意義的學習;(2)分析概念構圖如何有效的應用於地理輔助教學上。首先本文探討概念構圖的理論背景,並分析其製作與評量的方式等;其次在地理概念如何和概念構圖結合,在概念構圖的主要鷹架,分別以「理解概念」、「理解互動關係」及「理解因果」三部分來架構,其中理解因果部分則以地理學的主要概念;區位、交互作用、距離、比例、變化等來做說明,如此可以很容易的透過概念構圖的學習而掌握地理知識的建構。   概念構圖不同的表現型態,可以配合地理學不同的主題性質,而有不同的方式應用;例如樹枝狀可以應用於無因果關係,只有階層性從屬關係的複合概念主是;循環圖式應用於各概念間互相有因果關連的封閉型主題;網狀式則應用於概念間具有階層性及理解因果的整合型概念主是為多。而Gowin V圖的思考架構,再配合概念構圖的教學是相當實用的,尤其應用於問題解決或地理現象的分析上,可以幫助教師掌握學生每一個階段的學習情形。最後依中學地理教材的內容,分別以系統地理及區域地理為例,提出概念構圖的示範例子並討論之。
The high school curriculum for geography has always been broad and diverse because the nature of geography is rooted both in physical and social sciences. The recent reduction in the teaching time of geography has called for more effective learning and teaching strategies. This study intends to explore the use of concept mapping in teaching geography in high schools. To be more specific, the aims of this study are two folds: first, it examines how high school students integrate the geographical knowledge they learn into their cognitive structure thus promoting more meaningful learning; and second, it analyzes how concept mapping can be used as a practical teaching strategy in high school in Taiwan. In this paper, I will first approach the underlying theory of concept mapping, and the construction method, style and assessment. Second, I will associate the geographical concept with concept mapping, Constructed are three-part model for scaffolding concept mapping: understanding of the concept, understanding the relationship of interaction and understanding of the causation. Among these, the understanding of causation will be illustrated through primary geographical conception, location, interaction, distance, scale, change and other factors. Furthermore, different styles of concept maps could be corrdinated and applied in different geographical topics. Fox example, the tree-type concept maps can be used for hierarchically compound type of concepts topics that have no causal relationship; circulate-style maps can be used for the closed-type concepts topics that have causal relationship; the net-type concept maps can be used for the integrative type of concepts topics that have both hierarchical and causal relationship. Gowin’s knowledge Vee map when coordinated with concept mapping is mostly practical in teaching problem-solving topics, and will enable the teachers to understand every learning phase in student’s learning process. Finally, two examples will be use to illustrate concept mapping as a teaching strategy by adopting high school textbook materials for systematic geography and regional geography.







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