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目的:比較相同強度及工作量,不同收縮速度進行阻力運動後,能量消耗與荷爾蒙濃度是否有差異。方法:實驗對象為10名有阻力運動訓練經驗的體育系男性學生(年齡22.50 ± 2.24 yrs;身高173.5 ± 4.9 cm;體重71.3 ± 4.6 kg) 以平衡次序的方式,進行兩種速度(快速:向心收縮2秒,離心收縮2秒,運動持續時間16分鐘;慢速:向心收縮4秒,離心收縮4秒,運動持續時間32分鐘)的阻力運動(3組,8種運動,45%1RM,10次反覆),分別觀察運動中與運動後(0~20、40~60和100~120min)影響運動後過攝氧量(EPOC)的各項數值、能量消耗以及生長激素、皮質固醇與睪固酮三種荷爾蒙濃度。結果:兩種收縮速度在心跳率、換氣量、體溫在運動中與運動後各階段皆無達到顯著差異。運動中的攝氧量方面,快速阻力運動顯著高於慢速(p<.05),而在運動後各階段皆無顯著差異。能量消耗方面,在慢速阻力運動中能量消耗顯著高於快速阻力運動(259.43 ± 32.54; 185.44 ± 18.06 kcal)(p<.05),但運動後則無顯著差異。在運動後過攝氧量方面,2小時的總量以及各階段皆無顯著差異。乳酸、生長激素與皮質固醇在慢速阻力運動後顯著高於快速(p<.05)。而睪固酮在兩阻力運動前後以及兩阻力運動間,皆無顯著差異。結論:(1) 快速阻力運動在運動中的攝氧量顯著高於慢速;而能量消耗方面,可能受到慢速阻力運動持續時間較長的因素,使得慢速阻力運動顯著高於快速。(2)恢復期能量消耗的影響只反應在恢復初期,而影響EPOC的因素(心跳率、換氣量、體溫、乳酸)並不足以提高明顯的EPOC。(3)慢速阻力運動能提供人體較佳的脂肪代謝與蛋白質合成的環境,此結果有可能是慢速阻力運動持續時間較長的關係。
Purpose: This research compared the energy expenditure and hormone concentration after different kinds of contraction speed resistance exercises with the same intensity and total work. Methods: Ten male students (age: 22.5 ± 2.4 years; height: 173.5 ± 4.9 cm; weight: 71.3 ± 4.6 kg) from the Department of Physical Education who have experience in resistance exercise performed two different speeds (fast speed with 2 seconds in concentric contraction and 2 seconds in eccentric contraction, and the duration of the exercise is 16 minutes; slow speed with 4 seconds in concentric contraction and 4 seconds in eccentric contraction, and the duration of the exercise is 32 minutes) of resistance exercise (3 sets, 8 exercises, 45%1RM, and 10 repetitions) by counter-balanced design. The factors which may influence excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC), energy expenditure, the density of growth hormone, cortisol, and testosterone during and after exercise were observed. Results: In terms of the two contraction speeds, there were no significant differences in heart rate, ventilation, and body temperature during various stages of exercise and after exercise. The fast speed resistance exercise is significantly greater in oxygen consumption than the slow during exercise (p<.05), but there were no significant differences after exercise. The energy expenditure in slow speed resistance exercise was greater than that of fast speed (p<.05), but there were no significant differences after exercise. The total amount of EPCO during two hours after exercise and various stages showed no significant differences. Lactic acid, growth hormone, and cortisol were significantly higher after the slow speed resistance exercise than the fast. However, there were no significant differences in testosterone between slow and fast speed resistance exercise. Conclusion: (1) The fast speed resistance exercise was significantly greater in oxygen consumption than the slow speed. It might due to the longer duration of exercise, the energy expenditure in slow speed resistance exercise was greater than that of fast speed. (2) The influence of different speed resistance exercises on energy expenditure was found only during the exercise and the early stage of recovery from exercise. Factors such as heart rate, ventilation, body temperature and lactic acid that influence EPOC in exercise recovery stage showed no significant increase in EPOC. (3) The slow speed resistance exercise provided better environment for fat metabolism and anabolic protein, but that might due to the longer duration of exercise.
Purpose: This research compared the energy expenditure and hormone concentration after different kinds of contraction speed resistance exercises with the same intensity and total work. Methods: Ten male students (age: 22.5 ± 2.4 years; height: 173.5 ± 4.9 cm; weight: 71.3 ± 4.6 kg) from the Department of Physical Education who have experience in resistance exercise performed two different speeds (fast speed with 2 seconds in concentric contraction and 2 seconds in eccentric contraction, and the duration of the exercise is 16 minutes; slow speed with 4 seconds in concentric contraction and 4 seconds in eccentric contraction, and the duration of the exercise is 32 minutes) of resistance exercise (3 sets, 8 exercises, 45%1RM, and 10 repetitions) by counter-balanced design. The factors which may influence excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC), energy expenditure, the density of growth hormone, cortisol, and testosterone during and after exercise were observed. Results: In terms of the two contraction speeds, there were no significant differences in heart rate, ventilation, and body temperature during various stages of exercise and after exercise. The fast speed resistance exercise is significantly greater in oxygen consumption than the slow during exercise (p<.05), but there were no significant differences after exercise. The energy expenditure in slow speed resistance exercise was greater than that of fast speed (p<.05), but there were no significant differences after exercise. The total amount of EPCO during two hours after exercise and various stages showed no significant differences. Lactic acid, growth hormone, and cortisol were significantly higher after the slow speed resistance exercise than the fast. However, there were no significant differences in testosterone between slow and fast speed resistance exercise. Conclusion: (1) The fast speed resistance exercise was significantly greater in oxygen consumption than the slow speed. It might due to the longer duration of exercise, the energy expenditure in slow speed resistance exercise was greater than that of fast speed. (2) The influence of different speed resistance exercises on energy expenditure was found only during the exercise and the early stage of recovery from exercise. Factors such as heart rate, ventilation, body temperature and lactic acid that influence EPOC in exercise recovery stage showed no significant increase in EPOC. (3) The slow speed resistance exercise provided better environment for fat metabolism and anabolic protein, but that might due to the longer duration of exercise.
運動後過攝氧量, 生長激素, 睪固酮, 皮質固醇, excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC), growth hormone, testosterone, cortisol