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本研究為兩年期計畫,第一年希望探究台北縣/市、台中縣/市、高雄縣/市、花蓮縣、 財團法人中國青年和平團、財團法人醒世慈善會的食物券/食物銀行的運作方式。第二年 則針對食物券、食物銀行的服務家庭進行調查訪問。希望藉此瞭解:(一)台北市與高 雄市在食物券政策推動上的異同。(二)台北縣、台中縣/市、高雄縣、花蓮縣的食物銀 行運作的異同。(三)兩個民間非營利組織的食物銀行運作的異同。(四)食物券、食物 銀行對領取者家庭在以下方面的影響:飲食消費行為、營養攝取、糧食不安全、經濟不 安全。(五)整理出台灣食物券/銀行的運作模式及其對於服務家庭的影響。(六)更完整 瞭解台灣經濟弱勢家庭的糧食不安全的樣貌,提出政策與實務上的建議。至於研究方 法,第一年所運用的收集資料方法以質性為主有:田野觀察、深入訪問、檔案分析。第 二年主要是以量化為主,運用面訪調查,以瞭解接受服務家庭的狀況。
The purpose of this two-year research proposal includes:(1)analyzing the operations of food vouchers in Taipei and Kaohsiung cities.(2)investigating the functions of food banks in Taipei county, Taichung city/county, Kaohsiung county, and Hualien county.(3)comparing the operations of two food banks run by NPOs. (4)examining the impact of food vouchers/banks on the recipients in terms of food consumptions, nutrition in-take, food insecurity and economic insecurity.(5)understanding the overall picture of public food assistance. (6)proposing policy and practice suggestions. As for the research methods, qualitative methods will be used in the first year; while face-to-face survey methods will be used in the second year.
The purpose of this two-year research proposal includes:(1)analyzing the operations of food vouchers in Taipei and Kaohsiung cities.(2)investigating the functions of food banks in Taipei county, Taichung city/county, Kaohsiung county, and Hualien county.(3)comparing the operations of two food banks run by NPOs. (4)examining the impact of food vouchers/banks on the recipients in terms of food consumptions, nutrition in-take, food insecurity and economic insecurity.(5)understanding the overall picture of public food assistance. (6)proposing policy and practice suggestions. As for the research methods, qualitative methods will be used in the first year; while face-to-face survey methods will be used in the second year.