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受到疫情的影響,許多商業區面臨店面倒閉與沒落的問題。快閃店(Pop-up shop/ store)為僅在短時間內開設的零售店,在部分的都市研究中指出快閃店或許可以成為延緩商圈衰退或是保持都市景觀的一種解方。而臺灣的快閃店主要於百貨商場與文創園區中開設,本文希望透過開設許多的快閃店的臺北信義商圈作為研究區,利用列斐弗爾(Lefebvre)的空間生產作為架構,以德波(Debord)景觀社會當中展演的奇觀進行詮釋,觀察2022年信義商圈快閃店的開設情形與訪談開設快閃店的品牌,了解快閃店如何出現於百貨商場中,分析臺灣快閃店特質,進而了解快閃店是否有機會能成為臺北都會區中修補空置的力量。研究發現商圈中的快閃店籌備期長,大部分開設於原本沒有使用的居間空間中,且快閃店的沉浸性所帶來的非日常體驗是當中較被重視的部分,品牌會利用事件節慶化的策略作為品牌形塑與增加知名度的工具,百貨商場則主要以節日節慶化的方式將快閃店用來吸引人潮。對於開設於商場的快閃店來說,相較於填補空置,展示商品與塑造新鮮感的功能是更加強調的部分。不過區域型品牌與電商品牌開設的快閃店可能會影響拓點或是轉移區位,做為後續的決策參考。
As a result of COVID-19, many commercial areas are facing shop closure and decay. Pop-up shops/ stores are retail shops that open only for a short period of time, most of which are set up by brands or agencies. In some urban studies, it has been suggested that pop-up shops may be a solution to slowing down the decline of shopping areas or maintaining the urban landscape.This study takes the Taipei Xinyi commercial district, where many pop-up shops are located, as the study area, and uses Lefebvre's the production of space as a framework, interpreting it from the concept of spectacle. To observe the opening of pop-up shops in the Taipei Xinyi commercial district in 2022 and interview the brands that have opened Pop-up shops. The purpose of this study is to understand how pop-up shops are set up in department stores, to analyze the spatial characteristics of pop-up shops, and to understand whether there are opportunities for pop-up shops to repair the vacancies in the urban areas of Taipei. The study found that pop-up shops in commercial district have a long preparation period and are mostly located in unused in-between spaces. The immersive creates an extraordinary consumption experience for customers, which is one of the most emphasized elements of pop-up shops, with brands using the festivalisation of events as a branding and awareness tool and department stores using the festivalisation of festivals as a way to attract crowds. For pop-up shops in department stores, the function of displaying products and creating a sense of freshness is more important than filling vacancies. However, the opening of pop-up shops by regional and e-commerce brands may have influences on brand stretching, which may be used as a reference for future decisions.



臺北信義商圈, 快閃店, 空間生產, 展演的奇觀, 節慶化, Taipei Xinyi Commercial District, Pop-up shop, The Production of Space, Spectacle, Festivalisation





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