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自1885 年台灣第一份報紙《府城教會報》出刊開始,台語文學已經累積相當豐富 的史料。本研究計畫擬將這些史料文本集合成五個詞庫(corpus),作為本計畫的研究語 料。綜觀這一百一十年來,正是西方基督教文化在台灣的傳播期,其中又加入其他族 群語言的接觸(包括日語、客語、華語、原住民語和Holo 語等);彼此間密切的接觸自 然會在上述五個詞庫中呈顯出來。從這些研究語料中之語詞變化,我們可以探討出台 灣文化的演變面貌。本計畫的語言文化變遷研究將包含宗教變遷、生活形態、政治變 遷以及思想演進。期待透過具體的語詞變化見證台灣文化在這百年來的清晰輪廓,使 我們對台灣語言和台灣文化會有更進一步的瞭解,對族群之間曾經有過的親密接觸, 互相進入對方語言文化的經驗中瞭解彼此,從而彼此包容相互欣賞,促進族群的和諧 和團結。從西方傳教士以及殖民政權所帶來的語言文化的接觸,進一步研究探討台灣 語言文化所呈現出來的海洋文化性格。
Taiwanese literature had accumulated abundant historical documents since 1885 when the first Taiwan』s newspaper, 「Tainan Church Press」, issued. In this study plan, we will compile five corpora from the existing documents. The history of this one hundred and ten years exactly was the era which western culture of Christianity approaches the island and was also the era of ethinic contact and language contact for Japanese, Hakka, Mandarin and Holo. We believe that these five corpora will show the influences on Taiwanese from other languages. Studying the lexical change from this documents, we can examine the change of Taiwan culture. This study of culture change will cover religious change, political change, change of life style, and change of thinking. We expect that the concrete lexical change will show us a clear profile of Taiwan culture in this long period of time so that we can understand Taiwan languages and Taiwan culture deeper and better. Furthermore, after understanding the intimate contact of ethnic groups and languages can make these ethnic groups in Taiwan better understand each other and help us to reach a society in harmony. This study of the linguistic and cultural contact from the western missionary as well as the colonialism can also show us the charact







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