
dc.contributorPan, Shu-Manen_US
dc.contributor.authorChen, Mei-Chien_US
dc.description.abstract在全球化的脈絡下,女性移工為了經濟因素,成為全球照顧鏈的一環,看似增加了女性就業機會,其實是加劇了性別差異及照顧工作女性化的刻板印象。當全球照顧鏈在探討照顧的剩餘價值或情感轉移時,鮮少有人注意到女性移工在他國的生育困境及被剝奪懷孕權利。台灣社福移工主要來自印尼,現約20萬名印尼籍育齡婦女在台擔任照顧工作。每年查獲在臺懷孕或生產,並接受機構安置的失聯移工婦幼約為200人,尚不包括女性移工自行在家生產未通報的數字,隨著逐年攀升的移工產子人數,失聯移工在臺生育一事已成為需要關注的社福事件。雖然台灣已不再要求女性移工驗孕,並給予她們生育的權利,但大部份女性移工仍面臨生育與工作的困難抉擇。因此本研究的主要目的在於,失聯社福女性移工在面臨生育及工作的決策歷程,及瞭解工作者對於多元文化案主的服務經驗及反思。本研究以深度訪談法訪問8位受安置之失聯社福女性移工及6位官方及民間機構的工作者。研究結果發現:一、社會結構對女性移工的限制:女性移工因社會結構的限制及支持系統的薄弱,使得她們在懷孕後就面臨進退兩難的困境。二、回歸以兒童最佳利益為主體:從兒童最佳利益的角度思考,母嬰共同安置於成人收容場所,是否能讓移工後代享有安全穩定的生存環境。三、跨文化工作者的文化勝任能力:社會工作者在面對多元文化案主時,需要增加自身的多元文化能力,避免因為對跨文化案主的偏見及刻板印象,而產生認知上的偏誤。綜上所述研究結果,本研究建議: 一、應建立雇主、仲介及女性移工,三方權力對等的協議機制。 二、女性移工返國生產後優先進用及免再付仲介費用。 三、保障雇主應享的權益,不會因為移工懷孕而產生損失。 四、協助成立社福女性移工互助團體。 五、移工的求職自由市場,讓移工聘用的機制回歸自由市場。 六、成立針對女性移工的跨部會專責部門。 七、透過實務訓練及多元文化教育來提升工作者的多元文化內涵。 本次研究的8位女性失聯移工,因機構結束安置服務而再度失聯,她們不信任官方的安置機構,寧願再度違法失聯也不願意進入政府的安置場所。失聯女性移工對民間機構的信任感,才是促使她們願意出面自首的關鍵因素,當政府要結束民間非法安置服務時,應考量如何將信任感延續下去,創造一個更友善的安置環境。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe process of globalization has accelerated the labor trafficking to satisfy the growing demand of the care chain, in this trend the female migrant workers make up a predominant proportion of the global care chain. It seems like the female labors are benefited from the booming job market, nevertheless it actually has enhanced the gender discrimination, such as the nursing job is typically a female role. The plight of foreign female worker, including the deprivation of pregnancy right and parenting their child has been neglected for a long time. Most of the domestic migrant labor in Taiwan is from Indonesia. There are around 200,000 female Indonesians who are employed to do the domestic or nursing work in Taiwan. According to the official information, every year there are about 200 illegal Indonesian female with their children need to be sheltered in the social welfare institution. Not to mention the unreported home parturitions. Along with the childbirth increment of the migrant workers, we need to pay serious attention to the birth delivery of the illegal migrant workers.Although the pregnancy test is no longer necessary in Taiwan, and the right of birth delivery for the migrant female workers has been granted. In the fact, most of the female migrant workers would still be caught in a dilemma as to whether to keep their job or pregnancy. In summary, this research focuses on the issues related to the decisions for the illegal migrant female workers to make when it comes to the childbirth and job. Furthermore, from the perspective of the social welfare institutions to understand their serving experience and reflection towards the clients from different countries and cultures.In-depth interviews with eight illegal female migrant workers from the social welfare shelter and six social workers from official and NGO are conducted in this research. And the results are summarized as follow:1.Due to the restraint of society structure and lack of support resource, the female migrant workers always struggle in a predicament as the pregnancy issue is concerned.2.In regards of the best interests of a child, is it appropriate for the mother to nurse a child in an adult shelter?3.It requires more empathy for the social workers to embrace all the culture differences. we shall always respect the ethnic and cultural diversity of the client.As a conclusion, this research suggests as below: 1.We should establish a labor dispute settlement mechanism with substantive equality of the triangle between employers, agencies, and female migrant workers. 2.Priority Employment for the migrant female worker after child birth, and immunity of agent fee. 3.Protecting the rights of the employer prevent the loss from the migrant worker’s pregnancy. 4.Facilitating to establish supporting groups for the female migrant workers. 5.Reforming the migrant worker employment mechanism to be a free job market.6.Establishment of the competent authority for the migrant worker.7.Social work practice education and training for culture diversity.The eight illegal female workers in this research have lost contact again, since the shelter closed. They rather against the law rather than being placed in the official placement institution, because the lack of trust. The trust of the illegal female workers for the private shelter institution plays an important factor for them to surrender them up. The authority concerned should think more about how to continue the trust relationship and make the housing environment more friendly prior tothe closure of ill private shelter institution.en_US
dc.subjectglobal care chainen_US
dc.subjectmigrant social welfare workersen_US
dc.subjectundocumented migrant workersen_US
dc.subjectmaternity placementen_US
dc.subjectcultural diversity and social worken_US
dc.titleThe tragedy of the global-care-chain: A preliminary study of the choice of childbirth and placement for female migrant workersen_US


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