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本研究之目的在探討國中高關懷學生冒險教育活動中其自我歸因之改變與影響、如何轉移到學校以外的日常生活當中。研究參與者為新北市某國中高關懷班學生。連續參與10週冒險教育活動,每週一次2小時,並外加活動前天的前導說明1小時,共21小時的冒險教育活動。研究者以量化為輔的歸因型態量表,運用參與觀察、深度訪談的方式收集資料並進行質性研究的編碼、分析。研究結果顯示: 一、 冒險教育活動確切的形成風險情境,增加高關懷學生在其中檢視彼此的信 任,並能給予立即回應。活動結束後有少數高關懷學生在自我歸因有明顯轉變。 二、 高關懷學生在冒險教育活動中的自我歸因的經驗,分為三個相互影響與連結的面向,形成正向歸因循環,包含其中的從被信任者經歷性格歸因元素共六項、信任者經歷情境歸因元素共五項與彼此互動中產生的性格歸因至情境歸因元素共四項。 三、 在冒險教育活動獲得自我歸因的新經驗,透過帶領者的提問,隱喻結構化 的運用,促進參與者認知失調的轉換,其項目是由歸因產生信任感。透過參與者活動經驗以類似的隱喻轉移可能性,實踐於當下並發展未來生活中。 最後研究者依照研究結果,對從事教育工作者之建議與對未來研究者之建議。
This study aims to explore how adventure education activities change and influence the self-attribution of at-risk students in junior high schools, and how such changes and influences are transferred to their daily lives outside of school.Students from an intensive-concern program of a junior high school in New Taipei City were enrolled as research subjects. They were required to participate in a two-hour adventure education activity every week for ten consecutive weeks and receive one-hour introductory instructions the day prior to each activity. Taken together, the adventure education activities took a total of 21 hours. In terms of research methodology, qualitative research was conducted by coding and analyzing data collected through participant observation and in-depth interviews on the basis of an attributional style questionnaire supplemented by quantitative research.The research arrived at the following results:1. Precisely forming high-risk situations, adventure education activities increased thelevel of trust among at-risk students involved therein in examining each other and enabled them to offer prompt responses. A small number of at-risk students showed significant changes in their self-attribution after the activities.2. The self-attribution experience of at-risk students in adventure education activitiescan be divided into three dimensions of interplay and interconnection, forming a cycle of positive attribution. These dimensions include six dispositional attribution elements from the trustee’s experience, five situational attribution elements from the trustor’s experience, and four dispositional attribution-to-situational attribution elements generated from interactions among one another.3. The new experience of self-attribution gained from adventure education activitiespromoted the conversion of cognitive dissonance among research subjects through the questioning of activity leaders and the application of metaphoric structuring, with a sense of trust generated from attribution in the project. Through such activity engagement, participants may apply their experience to their present lives and seek further development in the future via possibilities similar to metaphoric transfer. Finally, based on the research results, the researcher proposes relevant suggestions for educators and future researchers.



冒險教育活動, 高關懷學生, 自我歸因, 質性研究, adventure education activities, at-risk students, self-attribution, qualitative research





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