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本研究主要目的係以臺北市社區組織培力方案為例,瞭解方案的發想與施展脈絡,藉由探究培力單位推展社區培力工作的經驗,整理出培力過程存在之困境與因應,並針對培力方案提供政府與培力單位與建議。 本研究邀請了臺北市社區組織培力方案的政府承辦人員以及現階段承接方案的培力單位工作者共7人作為研究對象,運用質性研究的半結構式深度訪談,共同討論對於方案的理念、工作的經驗及背後之酸甜苦辣。 研究發現社區組織培力方案的推展初衷旨在為缺乏專精人力的社區發展援以資源和輔導,其中工作者的培力圍繞組織基礎能力、合作與串聯能力以及推動公民社會與行動能力展開。但隨著工作深入,工作者面臨到社區對培力工作意願不高、政府與培力團隊在想法認知的差異、政策上存在資源制度的限制等不同層面的困難,促使工作者得不斷地在反思、調適、對話中尋找問題克服的出路。總體而言,雖然方案存在有效度較低、成效彰顯較慢,培力層次不深等狀況,但其設置必要性還是獲得大致認可。 針對發現,本研究建議: 一、 培力方案的設置上進行人力、時長、輔導資源、評估方法等方面的彈性調整,促進輔導機制的資源轉動和社區相關法令更新。 二、 政府部門應增加對培力單位進入社區的協助,關注培力意識的學習。 三、 培力單位應重視關係營造,拋開專業包袱與社區對話,並增強跨專業的合作能力與反思覺察能力,為工作者提供更完善的督導與輔導。
This study aims to explore the concept and development of community organization, by taking the case of Community Organization Empowerment Program (COEP) of Taipei city, and to analyze experience and obstacles in the processes, as well as to provide recommendations for both the government and the implementing institute of the program. The study adopts the qualitative methodology by conducting the semi-structural interviews with seven participants, including the related government officers and the community workers, who were working for COEP at least one year. They are invited to share their perceptions of empowerment and work experience. According to the analysis, the original intention of COEP was to provide resources and guidance for communities lacking in specialized personnel. At present, community empowerment focuses on building up the organization's capability to cooperate and connect, and to enable the practice of civil society. However, as this work is processing, the workers are facing various difficulties, such as the low motivation of the community development association, the cognitive difference between the government and the workers, and the limitations of policy resources. It, however, has driven the workers to find the solutions with the constant reflection, adjustment, and dialogue. In general, although COEP shows comparatively low effectiveness, slow performance, and insufficient empowerment, the necessity of setting up the program is substantially recognized. Based on the result, it is proposed that COEP should flexibly adjust the management of human resources, service duration, counseling resources, evaluation methods and so on, while mobilizing all-kinds resources in the community and updating the community-related rules and regulations. Furthermore, the government should provide more support for workers at the first contact with the community, and emphasize the study of empowerment. In addition, the implementing institute of the program should attach great importance to building humane relationship and dialogue with the community. This effort should be coupled by the better supervision and guidance for workers from the institutes, so that their trans-disciplinary cooperation and reflective skills can be strengthened.



社區培力, 社區發展協會, 組織發展, 能力培養, community empowerment, community development association, organizational development, capacity building





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