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Ming-Hung Wang, Chih-Hung Wang

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National Taiwan Normal University Department of Special Education


本研究旨在以實驗研究的方法,探討使用不同程度印象管理面試技巧之脊髓損傷應徵者,於雇主面試評價上的差異。本研究以面試中回應主試者問題中所使用的印象管理面試技巧次數之差異,發展出低(使用5 次)、中(使用13 次)、高(使用21 次)程度應用之三個實驗組別的影碟當作實驗介入,供研究對象就影片中所呈現的應徵者面試內容,進行「面試表現」、「推薦複試」、「僱用意願」等方面的評量。本研究於多次廠商聯合徵才活動時招募之101 位雇主做為研究對象,平均年齡為34.2 歲(標準差7.33),女性56 位,以來自私人營利製造業最多。研究對象依被訪問的順序隨機分為三組觀看不同影片,並依影片中流程指示,進行僱用職務資料、應徵者履歷表閱讀、面試過程影片觀看、面試評量表與面試內容察覺量表評分等活動。研究主要發現:一、面試技巧的應用有助於提升脊髓損傷應徵者的面試評價;二、雇主之面試技巧內容的覺察程度,對於應徵者面試內容的呈現預測雇主之面試評價具中介效果。
People with disabilities often lack interviewing skills and are unable to obtain strong evaluations during employment interviews. Human resources research supports the idea that impression management tactics aid interviewees in obtaining stronger interview evaluations. This study investigated the relationship between the impression management tactics used by an applicant with a spinal cord injury (SCI), and the resulting impressions of and evaluations by employers. The three primary research questions were: (a) When different frequency levels (low, medium, and high) of impression management tactics were used, was there a significant difference in hiring intention between an applicant with an SCI among the three groups of employers? (b) Was there any significant difference in the way the three groups of employers rated interview content awareness? (c) Was the association between the frequency levels of impression management tactics and hiring intention mediated by the employer’s awareness of interview topics? Method: The participants were 101 employers from several large job fairs. Most of the participants (98%) were from private, for-profit manufacturing companies. They were instructed to watch one of three VCDs showing an interview of an applicant with an SCI. In the three VCDs, all of the variables and conditions (except for frequency levels of impression management tactics) that were used were controlled to maintain consistency. After watchingthe VCD, the participants rated the applicant on a scale of hiring intention and a scale of perceptions on interview content. An ANOVA was used to test the variance among three groups based on the results from the scale of hiring intention. Multiple regression procedures were used to test the mediating effects of employers’ awareness of interview topics on hiring intention. Results: (a) A higher evaluation rating was obtained when impression management tactics were used more often in an interview. (b) The differences in scor






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