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本研究旨在發展融合教育理念之教學方案,透過方案實施於公民與社會課程以探討普通班學生在融合教育理念下的學習環境中,是否會影響其對身心障礙同學的看法與態度,以及身心障礙學生在實施融合教育的課堂中其學習表現與人際互動狀況。 首先藉由文獻資料蒐集和參考國內外研究案例,設計適合研究對象之融合教育實施方案,接著在課程實施的過程中透過觀察記錄、教學省思札記、學生回饋單、學習單與訪談等方式勾勒出融合教育理念之教學方案實施歷程與學生的學習經驗。研究採行動研究法進行設計,針對臺北市一所公立國中2個融合普通班,共約40名學生進行為期6週24節課的教學與逐步調整和修正。以質性研究的方式進行資料的整理與分析,輔以描述統計的方式予以瞭解學生的學習狀況以及融合教育實施方案的成效,作為方案實施之評估與調整依據以改善研究者在教學上的困境。 根據本研究計畫,獲得研究結論如下: 壹、普通班教師在實施融合教育方案課程時,事前所做的準備包含認識身心障礙學生、環境調整與安排、和特教老師共同討論。 貳、實施公民與社會科融合教育方案時所面臨的主要問題以及具體應對策略如下: 一、以體驗式活動課程來實施融合教育理念課程對學生來說是有感的。 二、小組同儕合作活動有助於增進普通生及身心障礙生的互動。 三、對於肢體障礙或視覺障礙等障礙類別的同理心比較好建立,因此學生可以比較容易的發自內心為身心障礙者著想。 四、自閉症或情緒障礙類別的身心障礙者,在獲得同理的成效相較於外顯的肢體障礙類別較差。 五、班級氣氛對於身心障礙學生的學習狀況有一定程度的影響。 參、最後根據研究結果,針對國中公民與社會科教學方案實施提出下列建議: 一、108新課綱的自我發展與人性尊嚴部分,適合融入融合教育理念的課 程。 二、採取體驗式活動對學生同理身心障礙者是有幫助的。 三、普通班教師可尋求特教老師共同發展融合教育理念的課程方案。 肆、對後續研究之建議: 未來研究可以更深入探討情緒障礙、自閉症等非外顯之障礙類別的學生在普通班之學習情況以及與同儕相處情形。
This study aims to develop teaching practices based on the concept of inclusion education and apply them into regular classes in civils and society class to see if the students of regular class would affect the perspectives and attitudes of students with disabilities. It also examines the learning outcomes and the interaction of students with disabilities in the aforementioned classes. First, through literature reviews and cases study over the world, teaching practices are designed and developed for research subjects for inclusion education and implemented into the classes. During the research process, observation records, teaching reflections, and the feedbacks, worksheets and interviews of students are collected and then the implementation of teaching practices of inclusion education and the learning experience of students are gradually emerged. This study is an action research, which conducted in two regular classes in a public junior high school in Taipei. During six weeks, 24 periods, teaching practices are applied on around forty students and are accordingly adjusted. All records and information are gathered, summarized and analyzed by qualitative research methods. The research is also assisted by descriptive statistics to present students’ learning outcomes and the effects of teaching practices for a better understanding as a way for the researcher to assess and adjust and therefore offer possible solutions for further teaching. According to this research, the findings are as follows: First, when applying teaching practices of inclusion education, the preparation in advance for regular class teachers includes getting to know students with disabilities, rearranging the learning environment, and discussing with special education teachers. Secondly, when applying teaching practices in civils and society class, the possible major challenges and feasible strategies are: 1. Students are more sensitive and perceptive to experiential learning. 2. Group working is facilitative to the interaction between regular students and students with disabilities. 3. It is easier for regular students to empathize with students with physical or visible challenges. 4. The effect of empathizing with students with ASD (Autistic Spectrum Disorder) or emotional disabilities is significantly inferior when compared to that of students with physical disabilities. 5. Classroom ambiance or atmosphere has an impact on students with disabilities. Thirdly, the suggestions for the teaching practices in civils and society class would be: 1. The section of self-development and human dignity included in Master Framework for the 12-year Basic Education Curriculum Guideline is suitable to integrate with and implement into the inclusion education. 2. Experiential learning is a helpful implementation for regular students to empathize students with disabilities. 3. Regular classes teachers are advised to work with special education teachers to design and develop the inclusion education programs, lesson plans or teaching practices. Last, the suggestion for future research is: More studies about students with ASD (Autistic Spectrum Disorder) or emotional disabilities in regular class could be explored and conducted, such as the learning outcomes and the interaction between regular students and them.



國中公民與社會科, 身心障礙學生, 融合教育, civils and society in junior high school, students with disabilities, inclusion education





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