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研究之問卷主要用以探討不同規模學校教師資訊融入教學的差異情形,內容分為五個向度:「實務」、「態度」、「信念」、「需求」、「資源」。單因子變異數分析顯示,五個向度整體為小規模學校高於大規模學校,(F.95(2, 397)=3.31, p<.05)。從質性資料來探討學校文化以瞭解規模間差異的可能原因,發現教師教學的價值觀與資訊融入教學有較直接的關連,強調課業表現的價值觀與教師不採行資訊融入教學有關連,以中、大規模學校較明顯。而在規模偏小的學校裡,重視學生學習困難的情形較普遍,考量資訊融入教學有助於學生學習,教師較樂於採行。然而不論學校規模大小,皆顯現對於學生輔導與管理的重視,並可對應教師的資訊融入教學實務,多數教師維持教師中心的模式。
The purpose of this study is to investigate differences on school culture and teachers’ integration of technology at junior high schools with different school sizes. Multiple sources of data were collected including questionnaire data, interviews of science teachers and administrative staff, observations of school visits, and school documents. The ANOVA analyses of the questionnaire data showed that science teachers at small schools were more likely to use technology for instructional purposes. These teachers’ positive attitudes may be attributed to the school culture that emphasized the importance of helping students overcome learning difficulties and encouraged communication and collaboration among teachers. On the other hand, science teachers at large and medium-sized schools tended to put more emphasis on students’ achievement on standardized tests and to view using technology as not useful and too time consuming. However, there were also cultural factors that supported teachers’ integration of technology into instruction at large schools. The teachers at large schools usually received more emotional encouragement and technical support from their administrative staff who were more responsive to the teachers’ needs, although the administrative support did not necessarily affect teaching practices. Together the results suggested that the school culture at small schools seems to encourage teachers to integrate technology into instruction.
The purpose of this study is to investigate differences on school culture and teachers’ integration of technology at junior high schools with different school sizes. Multiple sources of data were collected including questionnaire data, interviews of science teachers and administrative staff, observations of school visits, and school documents. The ANOVA analyses of the questionnaire data showed that science teachers at small schools were more likely to use technology for instructional purposes. These teachers’ positive attitudes may be attributed to the school culture that emphasized the importance of helping students overcome learning difficulties and encouraged communication and collaboration among teachers. On the other hand, science teachers at large and medium-sized schools tended to put more emphasis on students’ achievement on standardized tests and to view using technology as not useful and too time consuming. However, there were also cultural factors that supported teachers’ integration of technology into instruction at large schools. The teachers at large schools usually received more emotional encouragement and technical support from their administrative staff who were more responsive to the teachers’ needs, although the administrative support did not necessarily affect teaching practices. Together the results suggested that the school culture at small schools seems to encourage teachers to integrate technology into instruction.
學校規模, 學校文化, 資訊融入教學, school size, school culture, teachers’ integration of technology into instruction