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本論文主要在探討如何將人體藝術適切的融入國中視覺藝術鑑賞教育。其重要性又可分兩大方面來實施:其一是藉著人體藝術鑑賞單元,來導正一般學生視裸體藝術作品為色情的錯誤觀念。其二是藉著人體藝術鑑賞單元的實施,來確認人體藝術鑑賞單元,乃當今國中藝術人文教學領域中不可被忽視的一環。 在文獻探討的三大部份中,研究者想從所收集的資料中去強調三個要項:其一是讓學生懂得去欣賞裸體藝術作品中的人體美,而非是一看到裸體藝術作品就貼上「色情」的標籤;其二是國中生對裸體和性的主題其實是很感興趣的,視覺藝術教師需深入研究此一階段的孩子是如何看待性和相關的裸體藝術作品;其三是視覺藝術教師應該如何進行人體藝術鑑賞教學?面對不同的裸體藝術作品,又該如何選擇適當的鑑賞教材? 在研究報告方面,研究者主要是設計以人體鑑賞為主的學習單、教案和意見調查來瞭解學校教育人員,對裸體藝術鑑賞教學所面臨的困擾,和學生又是以何心態來賞析裸體藝術品?再者,這些學習單和意見調查表,可提供研究者在推行裸體藝術鑑賞教學的修正意見。至於人體藝術教案的實施,是在導正學生對裸體藝術所有的錯誤觀念,使學生對裸體藝術有一種健康的欣賞概念。讓學生在上裸體藝術鑑賞課時,懂得去探究包羅萬象的人文藝術,也懂得去欣賞人體美。 研究者期此論文能對有心實施人體藝術鑑賞的國中老師,提供一些意見和看法。
The main goal of this thesis is to search how can human body art properly blends well with appreciation courses in junior high school, and its importance can be separated into two parts. One of the parts is to correct the students’ thought that consider nude art sexuality through the appreciation courses in human body, and the other is to identify that the modern junior high school’s appreciation course in human body art should not be neglected in teaching area of art and culture.Among these three parts in the theme, the researcher wants to emphasize three important things from the collections. The first thing is to ask students know how to appreciate the beauty of human body, not to consider nude art sexuality while looking at nude art works. The second thing will focus on the fact that junior high school students is interested in the nudity and sex, so the art teachers must research into how the junior high school students think about sex and nude art work. The final thing deals with the fact that the art teachers should know how to teach appreciation courses in human body art, and choose the proper teaching materials when they face different nude art works. For the researcher report, the researcher wants to use the idea from human body art to design the learning papers, teaching plans, opinion questionnaire, and these stuffs are able to realize the faculties’ difficulty of teaching appreciation courses in nude art, in the meantime, the researcher also wants to understand how do these junior high school students think about the nude art works. Furthermore, these learning papers and opinion questionnaires are able to offer researcher some opinions of developing appreciation education in nude art. As to implement the teaching plan in human body art, and it will correct junior high school students’ wrong concepts in nude art Also, the junior high school students will have a healthy concept to appreciate the nude arts, and it makes students not only know how to search for the truth among the wide art area, but know how to appreciate the beauty in human body. The researcher expects that the theme is able to offer some opinions for those junior high school teachers who take an active interest in appreciation courses in human body art.



人體藝術, 藝術鑑賞, appreciation courses., human body art





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