民進黨執政時期中國大陸政策之研究 (2000-2008)
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2008年3月22日的總統副總統選舉,代表國民黨的馬英九、蕭萬長先生以7,658,724的票數,58.45%的得票率,大幅領先代表民進黨的謝長廷、蘇貞昌先生的5,445,239的票數,41.55%的得票率,以極大的差距當選中華民國第十二屆總統副總統 。選民投票的行為在競選期間受到許多因素的影響,然而由於代表國民黨的馬英九,競選期間主要政見均環繞在加強對中國大陸經貿交流來改善台灣經濟環境,所以這次的選舉結果,未來兩岸關係的主流,將是以與中國大陸改善關係,做更緊密的經貿交流為主。而謝長廷與民進黨的失敗,雖然最大原因陳水扁總統執政八年已不受台灣人民的信任,但是否也代表著民進黨政府執政八年來中國大陸政策路線全盤失敗,值得進一步去探討。然而2004年陳水扁總統以些微差距贏得總統勝利,是否也代表著其第一任總統期間的中國大陸政策即獲得大部分台灣人民的支持,還是已經顯示出陳水扁政府中國大陸政策以出現問題?或許還有待更進一步研究。
In the presidential and vice presidential election of Taiwan held on March 22, 2008, Mr. Yingjiu Ma and Mr. Wanchang Xiao of the Kuomintang (KMT) beat Mr. Changting Xie and Mr. Zhenchang Su of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) with a land-slide victory vote of 7,658,724 (58.45%) vs. 5,445,239 (41.55%); Mr. Ma and Mr. Xiao thus become the 12th President and Vice President of the Republic of China. The decision of the voters could be affected by several factors during the election. Since the main political proposals of Mr. Ma of KMT during the election centered on the reinforcement of economics and trade exchange between Taiwan and China in order to improve the economics of Taiwan, these political proposals would now transform into the principal guidelines after the election; thus a closer economics and trade exchange and an improved cross-Strait relation can be expected. The failure of Mr. Xie and DPP may be resolved to the anti-trust by the Taiwanese voters on the former President Chen during his 8-year reign over Taiwan. On the other hand, it should be worthwhile to further examine and rationalize the mainland China policy proposed and executed by DPP during its 8-year ruling on Taiwan. The fact that President Chen won his 2nd presidential term in 2004 only by a marginal vote may reveals two potential signs: his political policy over the mainland China had gained great support by the majority of residents in Taiwan, or otherwise on the contrary. Based on these speculations, a systematic and complete analysis on the possible factors toward this phenomenon is provided in this thesis.
In the presidential and vice presidential election of Taiwan held on March 22, 2008, Mr. Yingjiu Ma and Mr. Wanchang Xiao of the Kuomintang (KMT) beat Mr. Changting Xie and Mr. Zhenchang Su of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) with a land-slide victory vote of 7,658,724 (58.45%) vs. 5,445,239 (41.55%); Mr. Ma and Mr. Xiao thus become the 12th President and Vice President of the Republic of China. The decision of the voters could be affected by several factors during the election. Since the main political proposals of Mr. Ma of KMT during the election centered on the reinforcement of economics and trade exchange between Taiwan and China in order to improve the economics of Taiwan, these political proposals would now transform into the principal guidelines after the election; thus a closer economics and trade exchange and an improved cross-Strait relation can be expected. The failure of Mr. Xie and DPP may be resolved to the anti-trust by the Taiwanese voters on the former President Chen during his 8-year reign over Taiwan. On the other hand, it should be worthwhile to further examine and rationalize the mainland China policy proposed and executed by DPP during its 8-year ruling on Taiwan. The fact that President Chen won his 2nd presidential term in 2004 only by a marginal vote may reveals two potential signs: his political policy over the mainland China had gained great support by the majority of residents in Taiwan, or otherwise on the contrary. Based on these speculations, a systematic and complete analysis on the possible factors toward this phenomenon is provided in this thesis.
陳水扁, 民進黨, 中國大陸政策, 對台政策, 兩岸關係, Shuibian Chen, Democratic Progressive Party, mainland China policy, Taiwan policy, cross-Strait relation