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本研究旨在透過行動研究法探討特教教師與普通班教師的合作教學,及全方位數學課程對普通班學生與特殊需求學生的實施成效。本研究包含三個研究焦點,首先探討全方位數學課程與合作教學運作的歷程,其次為整個方案對學生數學學習成效的影響,最後探究普通班教師與研究者的專業成長。 本研究之結論如下: 一、研究歷程 (一)合作伙伴的互動過程 (1)特教教師與普通班教師的互動過程包括:探索中的合作歷程、 特教教師獲得普通班教師的認同,拓展成雙方主動付出的伙伴關 係,最後則建立對等的溝通平台,互補彼此的不足。 (2)開始時可由特教老師以付出來降低普師在合作時的壓力。此舉是強化其對新課程和教學方式合作意願的有利因素。 (3)運用全方位數學課程及合作教學時的切入點應放眼在全體融合班級的學生,較有利於合作的實行。 (4)特教教師採取主動、積極付出的態度有助於與普通班教師建立良好的合作關係。 (二)採用本方案進行數學教學的運作歷程 (1)運用全方位數學課程與合作教學的過程經歷以下階段:以『研究者主教、普通班教師協教』的模式開啟合作教學、尋求突破、互換主教角色及運用分站、選擇式合作教學期。最後,達到融合教育精神,普通班老師主動融入的多元合作教學。 (2)合作教學剛開始,如普通班老師對新課程和特殊生熟悉度不足,由特教老師先擔任主教的工作會較易進行,且特教教師對於普通教育課程相關的授課知識、能力與經驗的有助於合作教學與全方位課程的運行。 (3)多媒體電腦輔助教學在全方位課程中能強化學生學習動機。 (4)在課程中運用同聲回答等直接教學模式的教學技術,可提高學生參與感和專注力,教師並能因有效運用時間來增加學生們活動的機會,節省上課時間、提升教學效率。 (5)全方位數學課程連貫式的教學情境切合學生實際生活經驗,讓學生們寓教於樂。螺旋式教學活動讓學生精熟數學概念,對低成就學生的成功經驗、自信心和學習表現有顯著的提升。 (6)選擇式教學搭配低、中、高同質分組制度在課堂後半部操作作業時實施可滿足到同質性學生個別的學習需求。 (7)特教教師與普通班教師階段性互換主教角色有助全方位課程持續運行並能利於擴展合作教學模式的運用範圍。 二、學生數學學習成效 整個行動方案有助於提升班級整體的數學成績,亦有助於縮小學生的程度差異。唯一位特殊需求學生成績分數變化情形不同和其在歷程中所接受的調整和支持的量不同有關。 三、教師專業成長與省思 (一)普通班教師的思考歷程與專業成長 (1)合作教學可互補彼此的不足,雙方提供不同的教學面向來促進孩子對課程的理解。 (2)相較於傳統一單元一主重點的課程編排,全方位課程「螺旋式課程」設計會讓普通班教師在開始運用時需有一段磨合期從重新適應,但亦能因此提升融合班級的教學成效。顯示未來在拓展推廣全方位課程的部分需預先多做宣導以利全面實施。 (3)全方位課程提供豐富的生活化、趣味化與多元化的學習方式,結合日常生活學習經驗,讓學生們能在有彈性的課程當中達到適性的學習目標。 (4)從融合教育中看到學生的另一面,讓他們能從幫助人的過程中提升了自信與愛心。 (二)研究者的思考歷程與專業成長 (1)確定融合教育的方向--普特教育合作,跳脫在特教班單一情境教學的思考模式,而朝能結合普通班師生的資源與支援系統來提升特殊班學生的各方面學習品質、增進其社會互動經驗,進而幫助普通班中的特殊需求的學生,滿足其學習需求、提升學生們在班級課程參與品質。 (2)合作教學合併使用全方位課程有助於減輕合作教師雙方負擔以及提高合作教學的品質。 (3)全方位數學課程經試用與運用階段,均有其良好成效。適合推廣應用於融合式班級,應可廣為宣導實施。 根據上述結果,本研究提供特教教師、普通班教師、合作教學與全方位數學課程的運用與未來相關研究的建議。
This research aimed to apply “universal designed curriculum” and cooperative teaching model of the regular class teacher and the special education teacher to know the influence of mathematic learning of the regular students and students with special needs who studied in the inclusive class . The primary results of this study are as follows: 1.The interaction of the collaborative partners: (1)It includes three steps: the exploration in the beginning, the recognition which the special education teacher obtains from the regular class teacher, and the partnership which they build. Finally, they establish the interactive communication platform. (2)In the beginning, special education teachers could make more effort to relieve the pressure of regular teachers. It is the advantage to acquire the willingness of regular teachers to cooperate. (3)To improve the implement of the collaboration, it is better to pay the attention to all students in the inclusive class rather than just special ones. (4)Special education teachers should be active and enthusiastic to improve the cooperative relationship with regular teachers. 2.The application process of the research: (1)It includes: starting the cooperative teaching model led by the special education teacher and supported by the regular education teacher, seeking the breakthrough, switching the leading role, using station teaching and alterative teaching, and completing the multiple cooperative teaching in which the regular teacher is actively engaged with the spirit of the inclusion education. In the beginning, the cooperative teaching led by special education teachers is easier to practice if the regular education teacher is not familiar with the new curriculum and special students. (2)Computer assisted Instruction in this curriculum can enhance students’ motivation. (3)It can improve the concentration and engagement of students while using DI technology such as union responding in the curriculum. Teachers can also improve the efficiency to arrange more activities for students. (4)The instructional circumstances of universally curriculum fit in the living experience of students. The spiral design of it boosts the confidence and successful representation experience of low achievement students. (5)It can satisfy individual needs of different group ofsimilar students by using alterative teaching with small group instruction at the post-class assignment. (6)It is helpful to expand the extent of cooperative teaching and this curriculum if special education teachers and regular teachers switch the leading role in class. 3.The influence of students in the inclusive classroom: the curriculum is useful to improve the average mathematic grade of the entire class and decrease the grade deviation. However, the variation of the individual student with special need is different from others. It may result from the different degree of supportive effect he received in class. 4.The professional growth and thinking of regular education teachers: (1)Cooperative teaching complements each other’s deficiencies to improve the understanding of students for this curriculum by providing different kinds of instructional methods. (2)Compared with the traditional curriculum, this curriculum would take regular education teachers more time to adapt. However, it can achieve a remarkable success in the inclusive classroom. (3)For students, this curriculum provides abundant and interesting learning patterns combined with their daily experience. Therefore, they could easily achieve learning goals from flexible curriculum. (4)We can observe another side of regular students in the inclusive classroom. They prompt their self-confidence and kindness by helping special classmates. 5.The professional growth and thinking of researchers: (1)The collaboration of special education teachers and regular class teachers is the correct direction of inclusive education to improve the learning quality of students with special needs, increase their social experience and satisfy their needs of learning. (2)It can release each cooperative partner’s burden and enhance the teaching quality by applying the curriculum and cooperative teaching. (3)This curriculum has a good effect on probation and the application phase. It is suitable for the inclusive class and could be applied to every one of other schools. Based on above results, this research provides the direction for the application of universally designed curriculum, the cooperative teaching and any further relevant exploration to special education teachers and regular class teachers.



全方位數學課程, 融合式班級, 合作教學, 數學學習, 直接教學模式, Universally Designed Curriculum, Inclusive Classrooms, Cooperative Teaching, Mathematic Learning, Direct Instruction





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