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「身份認同的游移、轉換與再建構」是透過筆者自身創作「山高高,路長長」此系列作品作為研究媒介,來論述筆者從小於中國出生、成長、受教育,八歲時隨著當時於中國經商的家人移居至臺灣定居至今,所碰到自我意識形態與身份認同上的衝突、拉扯與轉變的過程。 本論文大致可分為三個主軸,從筆者有別於臺灣社會多數的外省二代這個身份背景為出發點,再以三位與筆者相似身份背景或使用相近藝術語言的三位臺灣藝術家梅丁衍、姚瑞中、邱昭財的作品作為文本例證,最後以自身的系列創作「山高高,路長長」為主要研究方法,來逐步地解析筆者對於身份認同、臺灣主體性、社會現況的回應與批判。 隨家人移居臺灣近二十年,記憶中對於「故鄉」與「家」的認同感早已有了質變,從「一國兩制統一中國」到「三民主義統一中國」的政治立場極端轉換中,筆者卻從中找到了某種巧妙又荒謬的政治相似性。因而勾起了筆者自身以及臺灣社會中普遍對於身份認同、國族認同的不明確問題。本研究除了是筆者私人對於自己生命經驗的自我檢視、觀照外,也冀望能透過本研究以及創作來對臺灣這塊土地提出更多地回饋與可能性。
"The wandering sense of belonging, transformation and reconstruction" uses author's personal composition "High mountain, long journey "as research medium to narrate this author's personal upbringing, from birth, childhood, first education, to the migration to Taiwan at the age of 8 accompanied by the author's businessmen family, and the encounters of the sense of the self, as well as conflicts, tussles and transformations in the author's sense of belonging. This paper has three themes. The first is author's unique identity as a second generation waishengren (people from outside Taiwan Province) and serves as a background. The second is a discussion the works of Mei Dean-E, Yao Jui-Chung, Chiu Chao-Tsai on artists with similar backgrounds or similar artistic expressions. The third theme uses author's creative work "High mountain, long journey" to analyze author's response and critique of identity and belonging, Taiwanese, and the current state of society. This author migrated and arrived in Taiwan nearly 20 years ago, and the memories towards the "homeland" and the sense of belonging to that "home" changed qualitatively. As "One Country Two Systems, Unification of China" to "Three Principles of the People, Unite China," author found a nuanced yet ridiculous political semblance that invoked much thought on author's part regarding the uncertainties of personal identity and national belonging. This study is a reflection and observation of author's personal experiences, but it is also a tribute to Taiwan and hopes to contribute to its possibilities.



身份認同, 離散, 意識形態, 他者, identity, diaspora, ideology, the other





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