女性使用者參與動機、環境空間規劃與幸福感之研究 - 以臺北市運動中心為例

dc.contributorChang, Shao-Hsien_US
dc.contributor.authorWANG, Yen Yuen_US
dc.description.abstract隨著人們健康意識提升,政府對於國民體能重視程度也隨之升高,自 2000 年為了提供便捷又同時具有多功能之運動休閒環境,著手規劃運動中心設置。然而影響女性參與動機因素很多元,其中包含休閒運動期間所使用運動設施之品質,透過適當參與休閒活動可消除緊張情緒、提升個人社會支持及增加幸福感,因此本研究以便利抽樣探討曾至臺北市 12 座運動中心之女性消費使用者為研究對象,回收有效問卷 660 份,以描述性統計、單因子變異數分析及皮爾森積差相關進行資料分析,瞭解女性使用者參與動機、環境空間規劃與幸福感三者之間關係,結果如下:一、問卷填答者大多以年齡 31-40 歲,教育程度以大學 (專)、未婚狀態、軍警公教職業、20,001-40,000 薪資、大安運動中心、每週 2 次運動頻率為最多。二、參與動機以「社會需求」、環境空間設計以「安全性」;幸福感以「人際關係」為各變項最大因素。三、參與動機構面,經事後比較發現不同「年齡」、「婚姻」、「薪資」及「每週運動頻率」呈顯著差異。四、環境空間規劃構面,經事後比較發現不同「年齡」及「每週運動頻率」呈顯著差異。五、幸福感構面,經事後比較發現不同「年齡」、「教育程度」、「婚姻」及「每週運動頻率」呈顯著差異。六、參與動機、環境空間規劃與幸福感三者呈現正相關顯著水準。建議:可加強多元化課程,不定時舉辦女性為主軸之團體性優惠活動,如節日規劃專題活動,並考量多元宣傳方式,強化臺北市運動中心女性使用者人際交流、互動學習。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractWith the rise of people's health awareness, the government's attention to the physical fitness of the people has also increased. Since 2000, in order to provide a convenient and multi-functional sports and leisure environment, it has begun to plan the establishment of a sports center. However, there are many factors that affect the motivation of women to participate, including the quality of the sports facilities used during leisure sports. Appropriate participationin leisure activities can relieve tension, enhance personal social support and increase happiness.Therefore, this study uses convenience sampling to explore the female users of 12 sports centers in Taipei City as the research object, and collects 660 valid questionnaires. Data analysis was conducted through Descriptive Statistics, One-way ANOVA and Pearson’s Correlation Analysis to understand the relationship between female users participation motivation, environmental spatial planning and well-being, the results are as follows:1. Most of the respondents to the questionnaire were in age 21-30, education level, university, unmarried status, careers for students, salary of 20,001-40,000, Da'an Sports Center. 2. times a week exercise frequency is the most research object. 2. Participation motivation is based on "social needs", environmental space design is based on "safety"; well-being is based on "interpersonal relationship" as the biggest factor in each variable. 3. Participating organizations, after comparison, it was found that there are differences in "age", "marriage", "salary" and "weekly exercise frequency". 4. In terms of environmental spatial planning, after comparison, it is found that there are differences in"age", and "weekly exercise frequency". 5. In terms of well-being, after comparison, it is found that different "ages", "educational levels","marriage", and "weekly exercise frequency" are different. 6. Motivation for participation in leisure sports, environmental spatial planning, and well-being show a significant level of positive correlation. Suggestion: Diversified courses can be expanded, and women's activity centers can be held from time to time as a consideration, such as script planningfor special events, multiple publicity methods, and strengthening of interpersonal communication and interactive learning among female users of the city's sports.en_US
dc.subjectParticipation motivationen_US
dc.subjectEnvironmental spatial planningen_US
dc.title女性使用者參與動機、環境空間規劃與幸福感之研究 - 以臺北市運動中心為例zh_TW
dc.titleResearch on the Participation Motivation, Environmental Spatial Planning and Well-being of Female Users -Taking Taipei Sports Center as an Exampleen_US

