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近年來隨著藝人與專家代言人陸續出現醜聞事件,使得各家廠商紛紛開始尋覓適當的廣告代言人,試圖有效提升產品廣告的正向效果。而CEO代言人對於產品的專業性,以及掌握開發產品的能力,無疑是個不錯的代言人選擇,但是目前對於CEO代言人的相關文獻仍然不足,因此,本研究針對Agnihotri& Bhattacharya(2019)的研究進行改良與擴充,以素人來取代不知名CEO以達到更好的操弄效果,並以喜愛程度作為區分代言人類型之標準,探討藝人與喜愛度高與低素人間的在不同專業易得性產品領域之產品態度評價之差異 本研究藉由操弄涉入程度(高/低)、CEO身分識別(有/無)、代言人類型(藝人/喜愛度高的素人/喜愛度低的素人)、專業易得性(高/低),觀察這些變數如何影響消費者對於藝人與不知名CEO的產品態度評價的差異。本研究分成前測與主實驗兩部分,前測目的於找尋三種類型代言人的合適人選,主實驗把本研究想操弄的四個自變數(涉入、身分識別、代言人類型與專業易得性),與應變數(產品態度、購買意願)納入做問卷設計之中 假說驗證的部分,完全符合的有H4a,部分符合的有H1a、H1b、H2b、H3b,不符合的有H2a、H3a,會出現此結果是因為涉入程度的操弄失效,且受測者的專注力不佳所致,但是大部分的資料趨勢還是符合本研究原先的預期。本研究證實,第一,喜愛程度會影響人們對於產品態度之評價,第二,CEO身分識別能強化素人代言人與藝人代言人的產品專業性之可信度,尤其以專業易得性低的產品(專業相機)更為明顯,第三,藝人代言人較適合代言專業易得性高的產品領域
In recent decades, many expert and celebrity endorsers have been creating scandals. Thus, many companies begin to find appropriate endorser, which can bring positive effect to their product advertising. CEOs may be the better choice for the companies, because CEOs have great deal of the product knowledges. CEOs also have more knowledge about developing products. However, there only have few literatures about CEO endorser. Therefore, this research bases on Agnihotri& Bhattacharya (2019)’s research. This research replaces unfamiliar CEO endorser with amateur. This research through this measure to make sure our manipulation. This research use attractiveness to distinguish celebrity, high attractive amateur and low attractive amateur endrsers. Furthermore, This research want to compare these three types endorser difference toward product attitude in different product categories. This research through manipulating the four variables, which are involvement (high/low), CEO’s identity badge (disclose/non-disclose), types of endorser (celebrity, high attractive amateur and low attractive amateur), and expertise readiness (high/low), to observe difference in consumer’s attitude toward the product. This research divides to pretest and main experiment. In pretest section, we try to find appropriate endorsers for three types of endorser. In main experiment section, we add the four manipulation variables (involvement, CEO’s identity badge, types of endorser, and expertise radiness) that we mention earlier. We also add two dependent variables (attitude toward product, and conative attidude toward product). For hypothesis test, This research fully verify hypothesis H4a. We partially verify hypothesis H1a,H1b,H2b,H3b. This research can’t verify hypothesis H2a, and H3a. The reasons are that This research fail to manipulate involvement, and the prticipants can’t have enough concentration through the experiment. However, the tendency of our data consists with our prediction. This research verify the following results. First, attractiveness can influence attitude toward product. Second, CEO’s identity badges can increase amateur and celebrity endorsers’s credibility on expertise of product, especially in low expertise readiness of product area. Third, celebrity endorser should endorse high expertise readiness of product area.



涉入程度, 專業易得性, CEO的身分識別, CEO代言人, Involvement, Expertise readiness, CEO's identity badge, CEO endorser





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