
dc.contributorJo Chiung-Hua Chenen_US
dc.contributor.authorChen, I-Juen_US
dc.description.abstract近年來,受到後現代教育思潮與教育改革的影響,性別平等的概念日益重視,亦成為國內教育改革的重大議題之一,因此,本研究將探討現行高中美術教科書中性別議題,以內容分析法對於文本進行討論,參考並歸納國內外相關文獻並徵詢專家意見,建立以性別為主軸的主類目與次類目之相關內涵,進而分析高中美術教科書中圖片及文字兩部分所呈現的性別意識型態,並佐以訪談教科書編寫者,瞭解其編寫理念與如何將性別意識融入教科書編寫中,以此補足內容分析不足之處。 本研究目的有三:一、探討高中美術教科書有關藝術家、性別與圖像內涵分佈的情形。二、剖析高中美術教科書文本所存有的性別意識型態。三、比較高中美術教科書編寫者之性別思考與教科書文本構成之關係,並歸納研究結果,做為高中美術教科書編輯者與教師教學的參考。 本研究結論為:一、教科書圖片採用男性藝術家的作品為主,而女性藝術家之作品數比例偏低。二、圖片中人物之人格特質,男性人物仍然呈現明顯的男性化特質,女性人物則呈現女性化特質。三、內文中出現的女性藝術家人次數非常少,相對男性藝術家於內文出現次數,幾乎佔各版本九成以上。四、內文介紹藝術家的人格特質之描述沒有刻意的性別區分,也沒有男性皆用男性化描述、女性皆用女性化描述的傳統刻板印象情形。五、圖片人物角色類型,仍然符合一般社會對男女角色的印象。六、大部分版本針對內文段落皆無性別方面思考,若有融入性別思考單元主題,則以女性為主要探究,針對男性的內文探究則較少,各版本內文大多陳述該主題知識性內容為主。七、教科書編寫者編寫時篩選藝術家和藝術品的考量,以符合課綱、主題為首要考量。 本研究根據研究結果提出建議:一、從課程綱要帶動性別意識型態的思考。二、以學生學習需求作為男女藝術家與圖像的編輯標準。三、強化教師性別自覺。四、教科書中性別議題宜以自然融入為方向。五、教科書審查過程對性別議題應採取一致性的標準。六、教科書編輯過程中,針對藝術教育相關研究應持續參與和推廣。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn recent years, under the influence of post-modern educational thoughts and educational reforms, the concept of gender equality received more attention day by day, and it also became one of the important issues in Taiwan’s educational reform. Therefore, this study would probe into the gender issues in current high school art textbooks, discuss the texts based on content analysis, consult and generalize relevant literature home and abroad, and ask experts for opinions. In the end, this study aimed to build up a relevant content for the major and minor categories which were derived from gender issues, and next to analyze the gender ideology presented by the pictures and texts in high school art textbooks. Moreover, in order to complement the insufficient analysis in this study, the researcher interviewed the writers and editors of the textbooks to understand their editing ideas and how they weaved the gender consciousness into the textbooks. The three objectives of this study were explained as follows. The first was to probe into the distribution of artists, genders, and image contents in high school art textbooks. The second was to analyze the gender ideology in the texts of high school art textbooks. The third was to illustrate the relationship between the text composition of high school art textbooks and the gender thinking of the writers and editors, and further to generalize the study conclusions as the reference for textbook editors and teachers of high school art. The conclusions of this study were generalized as follows. First, most pictures in the textbooks were those by male artists, and the proportion of those by female artists was rather low. Second, the features of male characters in the pictures were obviously masculine, and those of female characters were feminine. Third, female artists were rarely mentioned in the text; on the contrary, 90 percent of the artists mentioned in the text were male.Fourth, there was no distinctive difference in the characteristics descriptions of artists; that is, there were no stereotypical descriptions for male or female artists. Fifth, the characters in pictures still matched the general images for males or females in the society. Sixth, there was no gender thinking in the texts in most editions; if there was, the focus was mainly on females rather than males. For most editions, the texts were mostly academic. Seventh, when choosing the artists and their works, the writers and editors considered the curriculum guidelines and the topics as their top priority. Based on the study results, some suggestions are proposed as follows. First, the course of study should bring thinking on gender ideology into action. Second, the editing criterion of male and female artists and images should be students’ learning needs. Third, the integration of gender issues in textbooks should be natural. Fourth, the attitude towards gender issues should be consistent during the textbook examinations. Fifth, in the process of textbook editing, relevant researches on art education should be joined and spread.en_US
dc.subjectgender ideologyen_US
dc.subjectart educationen_US
dc.subjecthigh school textbooksen_US
dc.titleA Study of Gender Ideology in the Fine Arts Textbooks ofen_US


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