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本研究旨在探討小型職場健康促進推動現況,瞭解小型職場特性及職場健康促進推動承辦人背景,並探討影響職場健康促進推動的重要因素。本研究對象為臺北市員工人數界於50至99人之小型職場,排除受特定法規限制的公家機關及學校後,共2,489家為母群體,全部以郵寄問卷、線上問卷、電話訪問方式進行調查,經排除條件不符職場(設廠位置異動而不在於臺北市、人數不符)591家,實際母群體為1898家,回收有效樣本350份(18.4%)。研究工具主要參考國健署「職場健康促進表現計分表」並研擬職場承辦人相關背景變項之題項做為調查問卷,以SAS 9.4版套裝軟體進行統計分析,主要研究結果發現:
(一) 小型職場人數以介於50-59人居多(35.1%)平均員工數69人,服務業占多數37.1%,以純白班制為主 62%,只有9.4%曾通過健康職場認證,6.9%曾接受過健康職場輔導 ; 對象承辦人以大學學歷、主管職、女性、服務於人力資源部門、無職業衛生相關證照為主。
(二) 98.3%承辦人認為職場健康促進推動有障礙,原因依序前三項為員工參與度低、缺乏人力、經費不足。
(三) 職場健康促進現況表現最佳的是「健康工作環境」,表現最差則是「企業社區參與」。
The aims of this research are to explore the current development of health promotion in small workplaces, to identify the characteristics of small workplaces and the backgrounds of the staff in charge of workplace health promotion, and to analyze important factors contributing to the de-velopment of workplace health promotion. To reach these aims, small business entities employing 50 to 99 employees in Taipei City with a total number of 2,489 were selected as the subjects of this research, excluding government agencies and schools which are subject to specific laws and regulations. Mail questionnaires, online questionnaires, and telephone in-terviews were administered to the selected companies to conduct the sur-vey. After the survey, companies that had moved out from Taipei or em-ployed below 50 employees or over 99 employees were excluded from the research subjects. Eventually, 1,898 companies were selected as the research population and 350 effective samples were collected with a re-sponse rate of 18.4%. The survey questionnaire, which was adopted as the research tool, was mainly referenced to the “Workplace Health Pro-motion Performance Scoreboard” developed by Health Promotion Ad-ministration. Background variables of the staff in charge of health promo-tion in workplaces were incorporated in the questionnaire and the SAS 9.4 software package was used for statistical analysis. The main results of this research are as follows: 1.The majority of small workplaces, which accounts for 35.1% of the re-sponding companies, have 50 to 59 employees and the average number of employees in these companies is 69. 37.1% of the responding compa-nies are from the service industry and 62% of them only have day shift. Only 9.4% of the responding companies are certified as the Accredited Healthy Workplace and only 6.9% of them have been given guidance on the promotion of healthy workplace. The staff in charge of health promo-tion in these companies are mostly females, have bachelor’s degrees, work as managers, work in human resources departments, and have no occupational health related certificates. 2.Among the staff in charge of health promotion in responding compa-nies, 98.3% of them believe that there are hindrances in the development of health promotion. Low participation from employees topped the list of reasons behind the hindrances, followed by lack ofmanpower and insuf-ficient funding. 3.As for the current development of workplace health promotion, “healthy working environment” performs the best while “corporate community participation” performs the worst. 4.Factors that affect the development of health promotion in small work-places include age, occupational safety and health personnel, health pro-motion awareness and attitudes, being certified as the Accredited Healthy Workplace, and having received guidance on the promotion of healthy workplace.
The aims of this research are to explore the current development of health promotion in small workplaces, to identify the characteristics of small workplaces and the backgrounds of the staff in charge of workplace health promotion, and to analyze important factors contributing to the de-velopment of workplace health promotion. To reach these aims, small business entities employing 50 to 99 employees in Taipei City with a total number of 2,489 were selected as the subjects of this research, excluding government agencies and schools which are subject to specific laws and regulations. Mail questionnaires, online questionnaires, and telephone in-terviews were administered to the selected companies to conduct the sur-vey. After the survey, companies that had moved out from Taipei or em-ployed below 50 employees or over 99 employees were excluded from the research subjects. Eventually, 1,898 companies were selected as the research population and 350 effective samples were collected with a re-sponse rate of 18.4%. The survey questionnaire, which was adopted as the research tool, was mainly referenced to the “Workplace Health Pro-motion Performance Scoreboard” developed by Health Promotion Ad-ministration. Background variables of the staff in charge of health promo-tion in workplaces were incorporated in the questionnaire and the SAS 9.4 software package was used for statistical analysis. The main results of this research are as follows: 1.The majority of small workplaces, which accounts for 35.1% of the re-sponding companies, have 50 to 59 employees and the average number of employees in these companies is 69. 37.1% of the responding compa-nies are from the service industry and 62% of them only have day shift. Only 9.4% of the responding companies are certified as the Accredited Healthy Workplace and only 6.9% of them have been given guidance on the promotion of healthy workplace. The staff in charge of health promo-tion in these companies are mostly females, have bachelor’s degrees, work as managers, work in human resources departments, and have no occupational health related certificates. 2.Among the staff in charge of health promotion in responding compa-nies, 98.3% of them believe that there are hindrances in the development of health promotion. Low participation from employees topped the list of reasons behind the hindrances, followed by lack ofmanpower and insuf-ficient funding. 3.As for the current development of workplace health promotion, “healthy working environment” performs the best while “corporate community participation” performs the worst. 4.Factors that affect the development of health promotion in small work-places include age, occupational safety and health personnel, health pro-motion awareness and attitudes, being certified as the Accredited Healthy Workplace, and having received guidance on the promotion of healthy workplace.
小型職場, 承辦人, 職場健康促進, small workplace, staff in charge, workplace health promotion