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近年來在臺灣從街舞的數激增,此一現在學校社團方面尤其明顯,而這樣趨勢也更彰顯街舞相關研究的價值。本研究意欲探討臺灣街舞舞文化的社會意涵,在確立了臺灣街舞文化的可能性之後,運用文獻分析發現過去街舞相關的研宄之中,由於對街舞的定義並不一致,所以使得以往立論將街舞視為流行文化或次文化的論述,某些層面難以反映臺灣街舞的樣貌。而近來街舞或Hip hop相關的行銷、消費者行為導向的研究,也可以看出學界對其抱持的工具理性,透過深入半結構訪談,本研锝知在街舞藉由電視影等媒介傳入臺灣近二十年間街舞和主流間的關係,從以往的被排拒到今日的被利用,正是社會權力運用的範例,臺灣街舞的觀念的演變,也指出權力和文化資本在文化當中所引發的重大影響。在街舞產業成形的過程中,知識和詮釋的正統性、權力、對於職業街舞者及文化的代言人形重要,而在這些現象背後的趨力其實也來自街舞本身擴張的需求,臺灣街舞文化在各種不同的詮釋當中也反映出社會成員的位置與價值觀,即便充滿著歧見,我們仍可以在詮釋的循環當中,找到臺灣街舞文化的主體性,它就是承載著文化存在的身體。
Recently, the population of people who are engaged in street dance in Taiwan increases dramatically. This phenomenon is specifically obvious in school clubs, and this trend also makes the researching value of the culture of street dance in Taiwan start to reveal gradually. The objective of this research is aimed at discussing the social meaning of street dance culture in Taiwan. After the probability of street dance culture is confirmed, by document analysis, we find out that the definition of street dance made by relative researchers of street dance in the past was not exactly identical. This causes the discussion of street dance to be main culture or sub culture cannot reflect the real look of street dance in Taiwan correctly. In these days, the popularity of street dance and Hip-Hop in marketing and consumer behavior manifests the practical rationality by academics. Through participant observation and in-depth interview, we figure it out from this research that street dance has penetrated into Taiwan via TV and movies for approximate 20 years. In these years, the relationship between street dance and mainstream started from being excluded to being used then they cooperate together today. This is the concrete exemplification about the operation of social power. The change of the notion of street dance in Taiwan also points out that power and cultural capital influence the direction of culture significantly. During the process of industrializing street dance, the soundness and power of interpretation and knowledge is becoming more crucial to professional dancers or spokesman of culture. Furthermore, the power behind this phenomenon is also street dance itself. The culture of street dance in Taiwan is given different meanings by the explanation from various parts of the society and the difference among these meanings also reflects the position and values of societal members. Though, there exists the bias, we are still enabled to discover the subject matter of street dance during the process of interpretation as culture needs to be attached to the element: “body”.



街舞, 文化, 社會意涵, street dance, culture, social meanings





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