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摘要 基於自我決定理論中所提及的動機觀念,若人們在參與活動時其自主感、勝任感及關係感的需求能被滿足,能提高參與活動動機,本研究採介入國中女生自行設計每週在校運動150分鐘計畫。研究方法採用深度訪談法及資料分析,以立意取樣招募就讀新北市某私立國中女校七至九年級各2位學生,進行深入訪談並將訪談資料及每週在校運動150分鐘計畫手冊資料,加以彙整、分析,發現一、自行設計每週在校運動150計畫,對國中女生參與每週在校運動150分鐘計畫的動機部分:(一) 提高學生運動自主性;(二) 提升學生多元項目選擇性;(三) 提高學生運動勝任感;(四) 建立良好同儕關係;(五) 促進學生身心健康。二、情況部分:(一) 學生參與自行設計每週在校運動時間平均為153分鐘;(二) 學生常選擇的運動項目為籃球,接著依序健走、爬樓梯、跑步、遊戲、羽球、跳繩及呼拉圈;(三) 學生會考量空曠度、明亮度、溫度、離上課教室的距離及前往需花費的時間,來選擇運動場地;(四) 學生運動的對象為大多為以熟識的同班同學、朋友為主。三、實施阻礙因素部分:(一) 身體的健康;(二) 心情的狀態;(三) 下課的時間;(四) 過多的考試;(五) 在校天數的長短;(六) 運動的技術;(七) 撰寫自行設計每週在校運動150分鐘的手冊。四、實施成效部分:(一) 能督促學生自主運動,樂於參與體育活動,建立良好運動習慣,避免靜態生活;(二) 能提高學生運動的技術;(三) 能促進身體發展、增強體力及體適能表現;(四) 能安定情緒、提高學習效率及睡眠品質;(五)能紓解生活及考試壓力,保持心情愉快。 關鍵詞:每週在校運動150分鐘、自我決定理論、自行設計健身運動
ABSTRACT Based on the motivation concept from the Theory of Self-determination, motivation for participating activity would increase owing to the satisfactions of autonomy, competence, and relationship. Weekly 150-minute in-school exercise self-plan for junior high school female students was designed to assess its effectiveness. In-depth interview and document analysis were administered on six participants from seventh to ninth grade of a private Junior High School in New Taipei City. Findings were as follows: I. The motivation of the self-plan: (1) Autonomy increased, (2) choices of diverse activities increased, (3) Sense of competence increased, (4) peer relationship improved, and (5) Mental and physical health improved. II. The facts of the self-plan: (1) The average in-school exercise time was 153 minutes, (2) Basketball, walking, stair climbing, running, gaming, badminton, rope jumping and hula hoop were chose, (3) Location, size of the space, brightness, temperature, and distance to the classroom were factors considered, (4) classmates and friends were exercise partner. III. The barriers of exercise: (1) Health condition, (2) Mood (3) Recess time, (4) Excessive number of examinations, (5) Days spent in School, (6) sport skills, (7) Writing exercise log. IV. The Outcome: (1) Participants were motivated to exercise with their willingness. (2) Sports skills were developed, (3) Physical development and physical fitness were improved, (4) Emotion was stabilized to improve learning efficiency and sleeping quality, and (5) Stress from life and examination was relieved. Keywords: weekly 150-minute in-school exercise, Theory of Self-determination, Self-designed exercise



每週在校運動150分鐘, 自我決定理論, 自行設計健身運動, weekly 150-minute in-school exercise, Theory of Self-determination, Self-designed exercise





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