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金融業經歷了競爭壓力、客戶需求和技術創新的影響與變化,加上網路環境與智慧型手機發展成熟,新型態的銀行服務演進便造就了行動銀行的發展。本研究主要探討國內行動銀行提供之服務內容,並瞭解其需求與使用者滿意度。首先採用內容分析法瞭解各家銀行所提供之行動銀行服務內容現況與差異,再透過網路問卷調查法,瞭解使用者對行動銀行服務內容之需求與滿意度,並進一步比較各家行動銀行服務內容與使用者需求與滿意度之差異,進而針對分析探討結果並做出結論,針對行動銀行業者、相關主管機關、行動銀行使用者及後續研究者提出相關建議。本研究結果發現如下: 1. 行動銀行服務內容以「資訊服務」提供比例最高,「交易服務」提供比 例最低。 2. 性別及年齡對行動銀行服務內容使用需求及滿意度並無顯著差異,但 41-50歲的使用者滿意度較21-30歲的使用者高。 3. 行動銀行使用者幾乎都會使用網路銀行,其中以31-40歲年齡者居多且查 詢、轉帳及繳費為最常使用功能前三名。。 4. 網路銀行及行動銀行使用頻率對需求及滿意度有顯著差異,低使用頻率 者需求及滿意度皆較高使用頻率者高。 5. 除「線上貸款」及「信用卡線上申請」在需求與滿意度上無顯著差異外, 其他項目皆有需求與滿意度上的落差。 6.「查詢服務」與「交易服務」是各家銀行目前最應該要加強的服務內容。
Because the financial industry has experienced competitive pressures, user demand and the impact of technological innovation and change, plus a network environment and smartphones developed, the evolution of new types of banking services has created a development for mobile banking .The purpose of this study is to evaluate the content of mobile banking services and the user’s needs and satisfaction . By using content analysis to understand the content of mobile banking services and the differences among banks. On the other hand , the questionnaire survey will be understanding the needs and satisfaction of user for mobile banking services and compare with that mobile banking services and user demand differences. According to the study , it will provide applicable suggestions for Banks、Relevant authorities, Internet banking users and future researchers. The research results are as following: 1. "information services" provided the highest proportion of Mobile banking services,and "transaction services" provides the lowest proportion. 2. Gender and age had no significant difference in satisfaction and demand for useing mobile banking services, but 41-50 years user satisfaction is high compared to 21-30 year-old users . 3. Mobile banking users almost always use online banking, especially 31-40 years users. Inquiries, transfers and pay are the top three most commonly used functions for the mobile banking. 4. Internet banking and mobile banking have significant differences in the frequency of use for satisfaction and demand. low frequency users are higher than high frequency users. 5. "online loans" and "credit card online application" have no significant differences in the needs and satisfaction, but the others have. 6. "Inquiry" and "Transaction Services" is currently should strengthen the content of the mobile banking services.



行動銀行, 行動銀行服務, 使用需求, 使用滿意度, Mobile banking, Mobile banking services, user’s needs, user’s satisfaction





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