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Graduate institute of library and information studies ,NTNU


本研究旨在由社會性問答網站探索投資理財資訊之資訊需求,透過分析投資理財類提問資料之問題類型與資訊需求特徵,以瞭解國人投資理財之資訊需求與趨勢。本研究以內容分析法,分析Yahoo!奇摩知識+「儲蓄」、「股票」、「保險」與「房地產」四項知識類別之提問問題,每項知識類別各抽取200 筆,共計800 筆提問資料為研究樣本。研究結果顯示四項知識類別提問之問題類型可歸納為事實型、建議型、確認型、品質型、指示型與其他型六類,其中以面臨事實型問題為居多,表示客觀的資訊為投資理財者較需要的資訊種類。問題階段可分為資訊釐清期、評估期與決策期三階段,其中以資訊釐清期占最多,顯示投資理財者剛開始接觸投資理財的議題時,最容易面臨問題。四項知識類別提問之問題特徵分為行動、認知與情感三項構面,各知識類別之問題構面要素均不相同,整體而言,各知識類別之提問特徵皆以提出行動構面為最多,其次為認知構面、情感構面。於行動構面,投資理財者面臨儲蓄問題時,較常以直接提出疑問來表達其資訊需求,而面臨保險問題時,投資理財者最常提供自己的相關資訊,如年齡、職業、薪資與病史等資料,以利得到最合適的答案;認知構面中,投資理財者於股票類別,較需要分析性之資訊,而房地產類別,投資理財者對事實型的資訊需求度較高;於情感構面,房地產類別次數較多,但股票類之情感種類最多元,正負面情緒類型多樣化。
The purpose of the study is to explore investment and finance information needs from social Q&A websites. The question types and information need characteristics were analaysized from social Q&A websites’s question data in order to understand investment and finance information needs and trend. This study used content analysis method to analyze a total of 800 questions selected from savings, stock, insurance and real estate knowledge categories of Yahoo! Answers. The research results six question types are shown as the followings: factual, advice, identification, quality, prescriptive and others. The factual question is the most frequent questions among six question types; it indicates that investors need objective information. Furthermore, three problem stages were identified in this study including information clarification stage, assess stage and decision‐making stage. Most questions are asked during the information clarification stage, it shows that investors encountered difficulties when they explore investment and finance information from the very beginning. Question characteristics include action, cognition, and emotion dimensions. Each knowledge categories appear different dimension characteristics. Overall, in each knowledge categories, the action dimension is the most frequent question dimensions; thereafter, cognition dimension and emotion dimension. In action dimension, when investors encountered savings problem, they asked direct questions with few personal background information. However, investors often provided their personal information in order to get the suitable answer when encountering insurance problem. In cognition dimension, investors needed more analytical information in stock knowledge categories and more factual information in real estate knowledge categories. In emotion dimension, the highest amount of questions was in the real estate knowledge categories. Questions among stock knowledge categories presented the most various types of emotions and showed variety kinds of positive and negative emotions.






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