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目標:本研究的目的為探討肺癌個案手術後社會支持與生活品質之相關性。方法:以臺灣北區某醫學中心胸腔外科門診肺癌病人為研究對象,透過結構式問卷調查法及病歷查閱進行資料收集,於2021年8月24日至12月21日期間共收集146名研究對象。問卷內容包括基本資料、社會支持量表、臺灣簡明版世界衛生組織生活品質量表,另外以病歷查閱方式收集研究對象的疾病特性資料。結果: 一、研究對象的社會支持屬於中下程度;以支持功能來看,感受到情感支持最多,其次依序為評價支持、訊息支持、最少的是實質支持。由支持來源來看,感受到最多的是來自家人的支持,其次為朋友、醫護人員,感受最少的是病友支持團體。「年齡」及「家庭每月收入」與整體社會支持有顯著相關。 二、研究對象的生活品質屬於中上程度;感受最好的是環境範疇生活品質,其次是生理範疇生活品質、社會關係範疇生活品質,感受最差的是心理範疇生活品質。「家庭每月收入」及「治療方式」與整體生活品質有顯著相關。 三、多元迴歸分析的結果顯示,在控制社會人口學變項及疾病特性的狀況下,整體社會支持的量表得分和整體生活品質量表得分有顯著正向關係(β=0.25,p<0.01),也和社會關係生活品質量表得分有顯著正向關係(β= 0.44, p<0.001)。 結論:當整體社會支持愈好,研究對象的整體生活品質及社會關係生活品質也會跟著提升。
Objectives: This study examined the correlation between postoperative social support and quality of life among lung cancer patients.Methods: Lung cancer patients from the cardiothoracic surgery outpatient clinic of a medical center in northern Taiwan were recruited as participants. Data were collected using structured questionnaires and by reviewing medical records. A total of 146 participants were recruited from 24 August to 21 December 2021. The questionnaire collected general information as well as data using the social support scale and the Taiwanese short version of the World Health Organization Quality-of-Life Scale. In addition, medical records were reviewed to collect data on the participants’ disease characteristics.Results: 一、Social support for study participants was low-medium. Regarding support function, emotional support was felt by most patients, followed by evaluation support, information support, and tangible support in descending order. Regarding sources of support, support from family members was felt by most patients, followed by support from friends, medical staff, and patient support groups in descending order. Age and monthly family income were significantly correlated with overall social support. 二、The quality of life of study participants was medium-high. Environmental quality of life was highest, followed by physiological quality of life, social relationship quality of life, and psychological quality of life in descending order. Monthly family income and treatment method were significantly correlated with overall quality of life. 三、Multivariate regression analysis results showed that, when sociodemographic variables and disease characteristics were controlled for, the scores forthe total social support and total quality of life scales had significantly positive relationships (β = 0.25, p< 0.01), and the score for the total social support scale had a significantly positive relationship with the score for the social relationship quality of life scale (β = 0.44, p < 0.001). Conclusions: Greater overall social support leads to higher overall quality of life and social relationship quality of life.



生活品質, 社會支持, 肺癌病人, lung cancer patients, quality of life, social support





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