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隨著電子商務的蓬勃發展以及智慧型手機的盛行,也隨之帶動起行動支付的熱潮,尤其以亞洲地區國家(如:日本、南韓、中國)最為風行。行動支付在台灣的普及率逐步提升,此現象除了意味著行動支付在台灣的發展也逐漸步上了軌道外,也代表著半數的台灣居民都有使用過行動支付的經驗。因此,我們認為:「使用過後是否產生黏著度」是現今最重要的議題,故本研究著重探討使用者對於行動支付服務商的忠誠度。 在調查此議題上,本文採用推敲可能性模型 (Elaboration Likelihood Model, ELM)做為理論基礎,探討消費者是否從中央路徑(資訊品質、服務品質)以及從周邊路徑(名聲、組織保證),最終對行動支付商產生忠誠度。本文也將“行動支付知識程度”做為調節變數,檢視其對於使用忠誠度的影響。 本文採用問卷調查法,分析台灣地區消費者對於行動支付服務的忠誠度,最終蒐集500份有效樣本。根據分析結果,當消費者接收到優良的訊息和服務品質,會使得消費者認為使用行動支付服務對於進行交易是有幫助的,進而對其服務產生忠誠度。本研究另外一項關鍵的發現是:行動支付知識程度和信任對於忠誠度產生負向交互作用。當消費者行動支付知識程度偏低時,信任將扮演重要的角色,使得消費者有意願使用行動支付,因而產生忠誠度。
Nowadays, thanks to the flournishing development of e-commence and prevalence of mobile phone usage, mobile payment services become more and more promising in the modern society. In Taiwan, since there are 50.3% of Taiwanese revealed that they have the experience of using mobile payment services, the development of mobile payment could be prospected. Petty and Cacioppo (1986) proposed Elaboration Likelihood Model are mainly included two routes: central route and peripheral route. This study aim to figure out whether consumers will foster their loyalty toward mobile payment service providers through central route (e.g. information quality, service quality) and peripheral routes (e.g. reputation, structural assurance). Moreover, this study utilizes “mobile payment knowledge” to be a moderator, inspecting its impacts toward users’ loyalty. In a nutshell, we yearn to fill the research gap via ELM model since it can exhautively investigate user’ procedure of processing the information. For the purpose of authenticating our research model, we totally collected 500 valid sample who had an experience of using mobile payment in Taiwan. There are two notable discoveries in this research. Firstly, when consumers received an excellent information quality and service quality, they will perceive that mobile payment service is certainly useful for them to conduct a transaction. Another point is that the interaction effect of trust and mobile paymentknowledge toward mobile loyalty is negative. To be more specific, when the level of mobile payment knowledge is low, trust will play a vital role, boosting consumers to use mobile payment service. Eventually, consumers will intensify their loyalty.



行動支付, 推敲可能性模型, 忠誠度, Mobile payment, Elaboration likelihood model, Mobile loyalty





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