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本研究採自我決定理論(self-determination theory)觀點,並以泰戈爾的漂鳥集為教學材料,設計以分合法詩詞創意教學的教學方案。透過此方案的設計,本研究希望探討以分合法詩詞創意教學的課程改變學生的自主動機,包含「缺動機」、「外在動機」、「投射動機」、「認同動機」、「內在動機」,並藉此了解分合法創意教學的教學歷程。本研究採用行動研究方式進行課程發展,研究者進入台北市漂鳥國中(化名)漂鳥班(化名),擔任語文表達之教學者,參與實際教學以進行研究與省思。研究對象為八年級的學生(共35人)。為了解學生自主動機改變的情形,本研究以陳秀惠(2010)所編之「自主動機量表」測驗,於第一堂課前進行前測,第十二堂課後進行後測,並以相依樣本t檢定進行統計分析。此外,本研究亦使用學生的小日記、學習單、課後回饋表、觀察記錄與研究者省思等方式,以多元了解學生對於上課內容的意見與感想。結果發現經過本研究教學方案的實施,學生在量化和質性的內容分析上,顯示出本課程以自我決定理論設計的課程內容,可以改變學生的動機。在自主動機量表上,進步的構面為外在動機下降:外在動機下降則是表示學生動機呈現內化的改變。而退步的構面為認同動機下降和缺動機上升:認同動機下降,表示學生對於文化與家庭中的讀書價值認同較低;缺動機呈現提升,顯示學生學習意願更為缺乏。本文亦舉例說明課程內容以及教學過程,以供未來相關的教師和研究人員參考。
The purpose of this study was to implement a self determination theory-based synectics creative instruction program to change eighth graders’ autonomous motivation. Also, this research was to design and analyze the process of synectics instruction. The teaching material chosen was Stray Birds, the poetry by Tagore.Traditionally, Taiwan’s junior high school education focused on extrinsic motivation. Therefore, high school students generally do not know the meaning of intrinsic motivation. However, the present study, emphasizing on the basic needs of psychological well-beings, adopted Deci and Ryan’s(1985)self-determination theory to design the instruction. A series of classes using poetry-reading and the synectics teaching strategy were designed. Through the action research, students changed significantly in amotivation, identified motivation, and intrinsic motivation. The score of identified motivation was lower. It indicates the students had less concerns about the value of the parents and the teachers. The result of amotivation showed that students became more lack of intention to learn. And the score of extrinsic motivation went down. It means that the students valued intrinsic motivation more. Suggestions concerning the ways to design an instruction for poetry reading in junior high were presented in this thesis.



自我決定理論, 分合法, 詩詞教學, 創意教學, 行動研究, Self-determination Theory, Synectics, Poetry teaching, Creative Teaching, Action Research





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