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十多年來,筆者以台灣道教為主要的研究範疇,深入田野調查台灣道壇現狀,以及 道教文化信仰如何融入台灣常民生活中的歲時節慶、生命禮儀與廟會祭典。除了發表一 定的研究成果之外,也因獲得信任而得拍攝或獲贈相當數量的道壇清代古抄本資料;而 這些珍貴的文獻中,保存了很多台灣道壇堅韌地傳承閩、粵正一派火居道法傳統的證 據,一直是筆者努力追蹤其源流與析論的重點。這兩年來,執行了國科會三年期〈大人 宮翁家道壇源流與影響考述〉專案計畫以來,幾次前往泉州地區拜訪道壇與道廟,考察 其齋醮科儀的實際演行,陸續與泉州道壇道士建立了良好的關係,蒐集到許多第一手的 道壇資料,也初步進行了一些道法比較研究。雖然,閩南與台灣道法的源流關係,歷來 被相關研究學者所重視,但真正的深入比較研究論文仍然有限;因此,以目前掌握較多 資料與持續研究的「南台灣靈寶道壇與福建泉州道法關係」為範圍,繼續提出三年期專 題研究計畫。希望經由經典、歷史、田野調查與文物藝術等全方面切入,再透過兩大區 域現有道壇資料的蒐集、分析與考證,以及實際齋醮科儀闡行的親自紀錄;三年中陸續 以「傳度受籙」、「道壇秘傳知識體系」、「禳災科儀」與「拔度科儀」等等為子題,參加 國際學術會議發表相關論文,以為福建與台灣道壇道法傳承關係與轉變原因研究,累積 具體且紮實的研究成果。
This paper sums up the researcher’s over ten year long research of Taiwanese Daoism. It is the fruit of the writer’s field research about the current conditions of daoist atars, the integration of daoist culture during festivals, life rituals, and rites in daoist temples into daily life of Taiwanese folk. Aside from the fruit of research, the paper also contains abundant resources of ancient transcripts from the Chin Dynasty which are photographed, or given gifts for trust to the researcher. Among these treasures, there are trustworthy evidence which proves, that Taiwanese Daoism is the loyal offspring of Fujianian and Cantonese Zhenyi School of Lay Daoism . The above mentioned argumentation has always been the researcher’s main concern. During these two years, the researcher has directed the three year project, Investigation into the Origins and Development of the Daren Palace Weng-family Daoist Liturgical Lineage of National Science Council. He has visited altars and temples in Quanzhou, a Chinese city in Fujian, several times. He has also studied the actual practice of merit and offering rituals . By and by, he cultivated a friendship with the daoists who introduced him to numerous first hand resources of daoist atars. He had also begun the preliminary stage of a comparison research for Daoism. Concerning that there is limited amount of researches on the Fujianian lineage of Taiwanese Daoism, the researcher planned to submit a further three year long project based on the more disclosed Relationship between South-Taiwanese Lingbao Daoist Atars and Fujian Quanzhou Daoism. His project is expected to include canon studies, historical studies, field research, and cultural relic studies. It is also planned to collect, analyze, and research on daoist atars, of which data are available in the two main fields. Moreover, the project will comprise records of personal experience on the actual practice of merit and offering rituals. All in all, the project would, through the related sub-projects, such as, “Chuanduoshoulu(Spreading Salvation and Receiving Register”, “Knowledge System of Daoism Secrets”, “Rituals for Praying for Happiness and Offering Sacrifice”, “Rituals for Releasing from Purgatory” , to attend international academic conferences and to publish papers. To conclude, the paper hopes to cumulate rich and reliable source for the Research for Fujian- and Taiwan Daoist Atar Lineage and Reasons for Transformation .
This paper sums up the researcher’s over ten year long research of Taiwanese Daoism. It is the fruit of the writer’s field research about the current conditions of daoist atars, the integration of daoist culture during festivals, life rituals, and rites in daoist temples into daily life of Taiwanese folk. Aside from the fruit of research, the paper also contains abundant resources of ancient transcripts from the Chin Dynasty which are photographed, or given gifts for trust to the researcher. Among these treasures, there are trustworthy evidence which proves, that Taiwanese Daoism is the loyal offspring of Fujianian and Cantonese Zhenyi School of Lay Daoism . The above mentioned argumentation has always been the researcher’s main concern. During these two years, the researcher has directed the three year project, Investigation into the Origins and Development of the Daren Palace Weng-family Daoist Liturgical Lineage of National Science Council. He has visited altars and temples in Quanzhou, a Chinese city in Fujian, several times. He has also studied the actual practice of merit and offering rituals . By and by, he cultivated a friendship with the daoists who introduced him to numerous first hand resources of daoist atars. He had also begun the preliminary stage of a comparison research for Daoism. Concerning that there is limited amount of researches on the Fujianian lineage of Taiwanese Daoism, the researcher planned to submit a further three year long project based on the more disclosed Relationship between South-Taiwanese Lingbao Daoist Atars and Fujian Quanzhou Daoism. His project is expected to include canon studies, historical studies, field research, and cultural relic studies. It is also planned to collect, analyze, and research on daoist atars, of which data are available in the two main fields. Moreover, the project will comprise records of personal experience on the actual practice of merit and offering rituals. All in all, the project would, through the related sub-projects, such as, “Chuanduoshoulu(Spreading Salvation and Receiving Register”, “Knowledge System of Daoism Secrets”, “Rituals for Praying for Happiness and Offering Sacrifice”, “Rituals for Releasing from Purgatory” , to attend international academic conferences and to publish papers. To conclude, the paper hopes to cumulate rich and reliable source for the Research for Fujian- and Taiwan Daoist Atar Lineage and Reasons for Transformation .