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本研究目的旨在探究中學理化標竿教師從事數位教學時,其專業知識內涵與標竿教師個人知識管理,同時試圖以社會心理學的角度,由深入了解研究對象的人格特質與人群關係,進而找出影響與促進標竿教師進行知識分享的關鍵因素。 本研究採個案研究法,蒐集資料歷時五個月,蒐集個案資料由個案青少年、接受師資訓練、成為正式教師以及到目前任教近十七年的個人教學相關紀錄,由研究者做初步的內容分析,再與三位自然科資深教師做進階的概念編碼,同時請個案擔任核對人員,最後由研究者整理出研究結論與建議。 本研究成功的由個案中找出:(一)標竿教師製作數位教材意願的內外在動機;(二)教育專業知識內涵中,教學省思有教法、教材、評鑑三方面的具體做法,以及媒體在教學中角色的省思;至於增進發展教材能力、掌握教學情境知識則以方法、管道、領導/協助、工具、困難等向度做說明(三)標竿教師個人知識管理:資料徵集、知識使用、知識創新、評鑑教材、知識傳播,分別一一以方法、管道、領導/協助、工具、困難、倫理、活動等向度做說明(四)影響個人在組織中從事知識分享之因素:個人人際網絡、知識社群的組織文化、權力領導、信任公平。
The purpose of this case study is to find out the Pedagogical Content knowledge and Personal Knowledge Management of a junior high school science teacher who is will known success in development curriculum of digital contents. In this research also study on the effect factors of Knowledge Sharing in the organization that had based on Society Psychology. Qualitative research method was used for this case study. All the materials of this case were collected within five months search period. Those materials such as teaching files, daily record, subject matters, publish literary works, blog writings…etc. which were accumulated in seventeen years from his teenage and undergraduate time till now a formal teacher. The works of data analysis were completed via cooperating with three experienced expert science teachers and make final verification by the object of this study. The finding in this study include:(1)The motive and purpose of the object of this study who is development curriculum of digital contents(2)The Pedagogical Content Knowledge of development curriculum of digital contents(3)The Teacher Personal Knowledge Management of development curriculum of digital contents(seeking& storing, using , creating , evaluating and Sharing )(4) The factors of influences on personal knowledge sharing in the organization .



數位教材製作, 中學理化標竿教師, 知識分享, development curriculum of digital contents, junior high school science teacher, Knowledge Sharing





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