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本研究旨在檢視讀寫、書寫學障亞型與一般生在自我概念與生活適應上的差異,並比較國、高中跨教育階段的變化。本研究採量化研究,徵求 162 位國高中生參與,以田納西自我概念量表及中學生生活適應量表,檢測其自我概念與生活適應的狀況。研究有以下主要的發現:一 、 不分國高中階段及亞型 ,在學業自我概念上學障生均比一般生差;二 、 在非學業自我概念 方面,高中 書寫 障礙在生理自我以及心理自我概念都比 讀寫 障礙以及一般生差,後兩者間則無差異,國中階段兩類 亞型學障生 則與一般生相同 ;三 、 國中學障的個人適應比高中學障差,其中又以 國中 讀寫障礙 比 國中 書寫障礙 差 四 、 在社會適應上學障生在國高中階段
The purpose of this study is to examine the difference in self-concept and life adaptation between junior high and senior high school students with dyslexia, dysgraphia, and non-impaired group. This study recruited a hundred and sixty-two junior high and senior high school participants to examine their self-concept and life adaptation using Tennessee Self-Concept Scale and Life Adaptation Scale.The major findings were as follows: firstly, both subtypes of learning disabilities have a lower academic self-concept than median of norm in junior high and senior high school. Secondly, senior high school students with dysgraphia have lower non-academic self-concept than those with dyslexia and median of norm. There were no difference among both subtypes of learning abilities and the median of norm in junior high school. Thirdly, junior high school students with learning disabilities have lower personal adaptation than those in senior high school, and that of junior high school students with dyslexia is lower than that of junior high school students with dysgraphia. Fourthly, for social adaptation of both junior and senior high school students, those with learning disabilities are the same as a non-impaired group.
The purpose of this study is to examine the difference in self-concept and life adaptation between junior high and senior high school students with dyslexia, dysgraphia, and non-impaired group. This study recruited a hundred and sixty-two junior high and senior high school participants to examine their self-concept and life adaptation using Tennessee Self-Concept Scale and Life Adaptation Scale.The major findings were as follows: firstly, both subtypes of learning disabilities have a lower academic self-concept than median of norm in junior high and senior high school. Secondly, senior high school students with dysgraphia have lower non-academic self-concept than those with dyslexia and median of norm. There were no difference among both subtypes of learning abilities and the median of norm in junior high school. Thirdly, junior high school students with learning disabilities have lower personal adaptation than those in senior high school, and that of junior high school students with dyslexia is lower than that of junior high school students with dysgraphia. Fourthly, for social adaptation of both junior and senior high school students, those with learning disabilities are the same as a non-impaired group.
生活適應, 自我概念, 學習障礙, life adaptation, self-concept, learning disability