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學生領導才能的發展攸關國家未來的人力資源及競爭力。雖然民國八十六年新修訂的特殊教育法,正式將領導才能納入資優教育的範疇,但國內對中學生領導才能的探討尚在開展階段,許多問題有待研究來加以釐清。本研究以建構中學生領導才能內涵,編製中學生領導才能量表,了解中學生領導才能現況及探討相關因素為目的,分三個階段來進行。 首先,以德懷術研究法邀請25位學者專家、教師及學生組成德懷術研究小組,透過三次問卷往返,建構出中學生領導才能之內涵。其次,根據該內涵架構,編製領導才能量表,並進行信度及效度考驗。最後,以台灣地區國中及高中(職)二年級學生共1315人為研究樣本,「中學生生活經驗與表現量表」為研究工具,採用問卷調查方法蒐集資料,進行中學生領導才能現況及相關因素的分析。 研究結果如下: 一、中學生領導才能內涵的建構 中學生領導才能內涵包括領導特質與領導能力二大面向。領導特質面向有「負責」、「熱忱」、「情緒管理」、「自信」、「以身作則」、「親和力」、「堅毅」、「品格」八個特質向度。領導能力面向又分為「人際」與「概念」二種能力,其中「人際能力」包含「溝通技巧」、「促進合作」、「衝突處理」、「尊重」、「同理心」五個向度;「概念能力」則包括「組織能力」、「決策能力」、「應變力」、「分析力」及「計畫能力」五個向度。 二、中學生領導才能量表的編製 中學生領導才能量表分為二大部分。在領導特質部分,採用李克特五點量表形式,評量「負責」、「熱忱」、「情緒管理」、「自信」、「親和力」、「堅毅」、「品格」等七項特質表現,共34題。在領導能力部分,以半結構開放性問題解決形式,評量「人際能力」與「概念能力」,共12題。該量表信度及效度大致良好。 三、中學生領導才能現況分析 在領導特質方面,中學生的「負責」和「品格」顯著優於其他表現。在領導能力方面,中學生的「概念能力」顯著優於「人際能力」。 四、中學生領導才能相關因素分析 「性別」是中學生領導特質與領導能力差異的一個重要的個人背景變項。不同「教育階段」的中學生只在領導能力面向上有顯著差異。有無「社團參與」、「幹部經驗」及「領導訓練」等成長經驗的中學生,其領導才能的表現有顯著的差異。從個人背景、成長經驗、支持環境與情緒智力對中學生領導才的預測情形來看,情緒智力中的「人際」、「壓力管理」、「適應」與支持環境中的「家長支持」、「同儕互動」較能預測領導特質;個人背景中的「教育階段」、「性別」及成長經驗中的「幹部經驗」、「領導訓練」較有助於領導能力的預測。 根據研究結果,對領導才能及未來研究提出相關建議。
The purposes of this study were : (1) to construct the frame of leadership competencies; (2) to develop an instrument for measuring leadership competencies; (3) to explore the related factors of students’leadership competencies. There were three parts of the study. First, the frame of leadership competencies was constructed through the implementation process of Delphi technique. The members of Delphi technique committee were formed by 7 higher education scholars, 7 educators, and 11 students with leader experience. Through three times of Delphi technique questionnaires, the major elements of leadership competencies were converged and classified into two dimensions: leadership trait and leadership ability. Secondly, based on the frame of leadership competencies, the inventory for measuring leadership competencies of high school students was developed. The Likert-type five point scale was used for understanding leadership traits; and the semi-structured problem solving test was used for measuring leadership abilities. Afterwards the reliability and validity of the inventory were analyzed. Lastly, a study to investigate the leadership competencies of high school students was conducted. And 1315 subjects were selected from grade 8 and grade 11 high school students in Taiwan. The quantitative analysis of the study revealed that:(1) The scores of responsibility and character of all subjects were significant higher than the other leadership traits' scores. In addition, the score of concept ability was significant higher than the score of interpersonal ability. (2) 4 predictor variables had significant difference on leadership traits. They were gender, participating activities, leader experience, and accepting leader training. (3) 6 predictor variables, age, gender, social economic position, participating activities, leading experience, and accepting leader training, all had significant difference on leadership abilities. (4) To predict the leadership traits, there were five the most contributive variables, interpersonal, stress management, adaptability, parents' support, and peer relationship. (5) As for predicting the leadership abilities, age, gender, leading experience, and accepting leader training were the most contributive variables.



中學生, 領導才能, 情緒智力, high school student, leadership competencies, emotional intelligence





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