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近年來科技融入教育的發展與應用蓬勃。其中數位遊戲式學習(Digital game based learning),是指數位遊戲為平台來進行學習,學習者可以在遊戲中經由模擬操作,反思和調整問題解決策略來解決遊戲任務。本研究之目的是希望透過建置一套擴增實境解謎遊戲,藉由遊戲元素進行趣味化情境式學習,並利用學生參與遊戲活動的過程中學習合作技巧,以提升學生適應未來生活並同時在過程中獲得成就感,促進學習者的學習動機,發展更進一步的精熟學習。然而,為了使數位遊戲式學習能夠提高學習動機,在設計數位教育遊戲內容時,還需兼顧遊戲性與教育性,因此在本研究的遊戲設計為問題解決的遊戲類型,同時融合了擴增實境與Beacon藍芽定位等技術,學科知識橫跨生物、化學、數學等領域。本研究針對此擴增實境解謎遊戲之建置過程與可行性進行討論分析,包含第一次施測、改良、再施測。受試者為嘉義地區的高中學生。問卷統計方法使用獨立樣本 t 檢測及單因子共變數分析。根據研究結果顯示受試者於性別、年級、先備知識等三個不同背景變項對於擴增實境解謎遊戲實施的可行性均無顯著差異。受試者在使用意願、學習態度、喜愛程度等構面上,於不受不同性別、不同年級、不同先備知識等背景變項亦無顯著差異。
Many papers point out that digital game-based learning activities can make students have more interest, and be more concentrated on learning. However, in order to make digital game-based learning to improve students' learning motivation, the design of the game needs to make a balance between the interest of the game and the purpose of education. Therefore, the main purposes of this study was to discover, by combining the augmented reality , beacon Bluetooth positioning and problem solving puzzle game, which effects would this have on participants toward learning about science , and what effects this would have on their learning attitude and cooperative learning skills. This study also discusses the practicability of this augmented reality puzzle game, including the first implementation, improvement, and second implementation. The subjects were 33 high school students in Chiayi. The research uses the questionnaire survey procedure, the questionnaire information has confirmed after t “dependent-samples t test” and “one-way analysis of covariance(ANOVA)”. The major findings of this study are as following: 1. There was no significant gender differences in students’ practicability of augmented reality puzzle game. 2. There was no significant age differences in students’ practicability of augmented reality puzzle game. 3. There was no significant prior knowledge differences in students’ practicability of augmented reality puzzle game. 4. There was no significant difference in students' willingness to use, learning attitude and preference degree.
Many papers point out that digital game-based learning activities can make students have more interest, and be more concentrated on learning. However, in order to make digital game-based learning to improve students' learning motivation, the design of the game needs to make a balance between the interest of the game and the purpose of education. Therefore, the main purposes of this study was to discover, by combining the augmented reality , beacon Bluetooth positioning and problem solving puzzle game, which effects would this have on participants toward learning about science , and what effects this would have on their learning attitude and cooperative learning skills. This study also discusses the practicability of this augmented reality puzzle game, including the first implementation, improvement, and second implementation. The subjects were 33 high school students in Chiayi. The research uses the questionnaire survey procedure, the questionnaire information has confirmed after t “dependent-samples t test” and “one-way analysis of covariance(ANOVA)”. The major findings of this study are as following: 1. There was no significant gender differences in students’ practicability of augmented reality puzzle game. 2. There was no significant age differences in students’ practicability of augmented reality puzzle game. 3. There was no significant prior knowledge differences in students’ practicability of augmented reality puzzle game. 4. There was no significant difference in students' willingness to use, learning attitude and preference degree.
數位遊戲式學習, 擴增實境, 問題解決, 合作學習技巧, digital game based learning, problem solving, augmented reality, cooperative learning skills