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Xiao-Xiao Feng
Shigeo Sugimoto
Koichi Matsumoto
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Graduate institute of library and information studies ,NTNU
Graduate institute of library and information studies ,NTNU
《道法會元》是一本道教資料編纂集合,也是《正統道藏》中非常重要的一部分。它成書大約於明代,在此書中的268 卷中,收錄了宋代到明代期間存在的道教之重要資料。書中圖文並存,解說和集合了許多流派所使用的圖像。其中符是很重要的一部分。符是道教研究當中非常重要的符號,它是區分道教宗派的重要標誌,許多道教研究者都致力於符的研究。《道法會元》中收錄了宋、元朝代的符,但是由於編纂成書年代久等原因,此書當中存在許多難以理解,甚至是錯誤的內容。筑波大學從開始研究建立改善數位《道法會元》的工作已經有十多年的歷史。從最初將《道法會元》中的圖文錄入到電腦中的工作,到後來分析其中內容,逐漸完成了以輔助人文學科研究者的研究為主要目的之數位《道法會元》的項目。此文中,在道教研究者的輔助之下,我們嘗試分析《道法會元》中的符之間的語意,使用頻度等關聯度,並且以此為基礎,開始嘗試分析包含有符的卷和卷之間的關聯度,透過提供給研究者不同的數據,如同一符在不同卷中的使用頻度,高頻度合併使用的兩個符在不同的卷中使用頻度等,給研究者以提示,以期發現許多書中隱藏的線索。我們還將探討未來以分析為目的之數位典藏未來的發展,以建立完善的數位典藏。
This study aims to build a digital archive for the Dao-Fa Hui-Yuan, which is composed of 268 volumes and an important compilation of Fus inherited by Daoism schools over time. We build the digital archive named Digital Dao-Fa Hui-Yuan for Daoism researchers, not only to browse and search the Fus, but also to analyze the structures and meanings of the contents. A Fu is an important expression of prayer and mystical messages used in Daoist ceremonies. It is represented as a complex graphical symbol composed of one or more parts. Despite Fu long being an important research topic, the study of Fus is not well developed because of the secrecy of Daoism and difficulties with understanding the meanings. A major research issue in this study was how to organize Fus and their constituent parts. We analyzed the Fus and their relationships using the digitalized contents of Dao-Fa Hui-Yuan. We built a graph of the volumes of Dao-Fa Hui-Yuan, Fus and their constituent parts. We found some relationships in the graph, which were not well recognized before by Daoism researchers. This paper shows the digital archive of Dao-Fa Hui-Yuan and discusses the results obtained from the archive.
This study aims to build a digital archive for the Dao-Fa Hui-Yuan, which is composed of 268 volumes and an important compilation of Fus inherited by Daoism schools over time. We build the digital archive named Digital Dao-Fa Hui-Yuan for Daoism researchers, not only to browse and search the Fus, but also to analyze the structures and meanings of the contents. A Fu is an important expression of prayer and mystical messages used in Daoist ceremonies. It is represented as a complex graphical symbol composed of one or more parts. Despite Fu long being an important research topic, the study of Fus is not well developed because of the secrecy of Daoism and difficulties with understanding the meanings. A major research issue in this study was how to organize Fus and their constituent parts. We analyzed the Fus and their relationships using the digitalized contents of Dao-Fa Hui-Yuan. We built a graph of the volumes of Dao-Fa Hui-Yuan, Fus and their constituent parts. We found some relationships in the graph, which were not well recognized before by Daoism researchers. This paper shows the digital archive of Dao-Fa Hui-Yuan and discusses the results obtained from the archive.