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童軍運動與大乘佛教目的皆在協助參與者形塑一種理想的人格,兩者也同時提出了參與者在行為上的規準-「童軍諾規銘」及「菩薩戒」。此二者,也被視為各自的核心精神所在。本論文即欲將「童軍諾規銘」及「菩薩戒」二者之發展及演變過程做一系統化的整理及呈現,並透過對童軍諾規銘與佛教菩薩戒在外顯形式(應用、外在的條文和形目)、內在成因(內在意義、動機)以及發展上的比較與分析,探索童軍運動與佛教在人格形塑上相互合作的可能性。最後,對「諾規銘」與「菩薩戒」兩者現階段在各自運動(童軍及大乘佛教)中面臨問題及可能因應方式做一描述及建議。 進行研究時,主要採用文獻分析法及歷史研究法。以佛教領域中關於菩薩戒的經典、僧侶個人著作、歷史文獻,以及童軍領域中關於童軍諾規銘的童軍組織出版品、公文、法規、創始人及重要童軍運動者的相關著作,作為主要的研究文獻資料來源,並配合其所處年代的相關歷史背景進行分析,再針對同時具有菩薩戒受戒者及擔任童軍團長資格者身份的對象,進行抽樣訪談,用以了解各研究主題的現今實際狀況,並與文獻及歷史研究結果相印證。 本研究除完成對於中華民國童軍諾言、規律、銘言之發展演變及對於漢傳佛教菩薩戒之發展演變與內涵做出初步整理及比較之外,並有如下發現: (一) 在代表諾規銘及菩薩戒兩者內涵上的人格典範、形塑方法、各自形塑運動(童軍及大乘佛教)中所扮演的角色及地位比較上,兩者趨於一致,並且沒有本質上的衝突,代表在諾規銘及菩薩戒具有同質性高的人格形塑內涵,因此有互補及合作之可能。 (二) 在諾規銘及菩薩戒兩者發展與演變過程上,兩者有高度的相似性。在兩者間有過的交會及相互影響經驗上,亦無重大衝突,並曾相互融合。兩者發展各階段過程、問題及解決方式相似,亦有正面互補性質交會或影響,應具相互參考價值,並具未來進一步合作之可能性。 (三) 在諾規銘與菩薩戒兩者現今的實踐狀況上,兩者皆面臨成效難以即時顯現及評估、社會環境快速變遷所造成之道德及價值觀改變之考驗;可能因應方式則是提升領導者專業知能。可資彼此參考的經驗及做法包括:掌握核心價值、運用彼此資源深化對青少年的了解及對宗教探索的深度,藉此開拓參與者不同的視野。實際做法包含,佛教可藉由參與童軍活動獲得最新青少年教育之趨勢及動向,童軍的榮譽議庭制度也可做為建立佛教居士團體布薩中欠缺的諫議功能參考;童軍則可引入包含禪修、法會、朝山行腳、頭陀、六度四攝等佛教修行元素,做為使活動面向多元、活動內容深化之參考。童軍諾規銘與佛教菩薩戒,在現今實踐及未來合作上,必需加以考慮:保持與時俱進、探究原始規戒條文精神及重新詮釋的能力、培養跨領域人才、發展跨領域合作的教材教案、並針對合作時所需的學理根據進行補強。
The purpose of Scouting and Mahayana Buddhism are both to assist participants in forming the ideal personality, both also made rules for participants to follow in behavior - "Scout promise, law, motto" and "Bodhisattva Precepts." These two, are also treated as the core of their spirit lies. The purpose of this reasearch is to clarify the development and transformation of "Scout promise, law, motto" and "Bodhisattva Precepts" and make a systematic compilation and presentation. And through the comparison and analysis on the connotations of "Scout promise, law, motto" and "Bodhisattva Precepts." to study the possibility of the cooperation inbetween Scouting and Buddhist in forming the ideal personality. In the end, make a description and recommendations for the problems and possible solutions of the using of "Scout promise, law, motto” in Scouting and "Bodhisattva Precepts" in Boddism. Main methods which used in the study are text analysis and historical research. For this, the Buddhist sutra (especially those are related to the Bodhisattva Precepts), monks personal writings, history, literature of Buddhism, and those publications, documents, regulations of the Scout organization which regarding to the "Scout promise, law, motto" are used as the main text resources for research, and are analized with the historical background, then, take samples of who both taken the Bodhisattva Precepts and with qualification to be a scoutmaster to interview for understand the actual situation of the research subject today, and corroborate with the resoults which get from the text and historical studies. In this study, in addition to clarify the transformation of the Scout Promise, law, motto of Scouts of China (TAIWAN, Republic of China) and the Chinese Buddhist Bodhisattva Precepts, and the Evolution and connotation for both, to make a preliminary sorting and comparison, also found the following: (A) The connotations (model of personality, methods of forming personality, importance of forming personality) of "Scout promise, law, motto" and "Bodhisattva Precepts" are with similar tendency, and without conflicts in nature. It means both have a high homogeneity of personality forming connotation, it is possible complementarity and cooperation. (B) The process of developping and transformation of "Scout promise, law, motto" and "Bodhisattva Precepts" are with high similarity. There is no major conflicts in historical mutual influence on rendezvous and experience, and was merged without problem. The developing process stages, problems and solutions are similar, with possitive complementary interaction and impact, should be a cross-reference value, and with the possibility of further cooperation in the future. (C) The practice situation of "Scout promise, law, motto" and "Bodhisattva Precepts" are: both face the difficult of quick effectiveness feedback and evaluate, the charllenge of the changing of moral and value which caused by the social environment rapidly changed ; possible response way is to enhance the leader professional Skill. Reference can be funded from each other experiences and practices include: grasp the core values, use each other's resources to deepen the understanding of adolescents and to explore the depth of religion, whereby participants explore different perspectives. Practice contains, Buddhism may involve in Scouting to get the latest trends of youth education, Scout's Court of Honor system can be the reference for establish the function of admonish and discussion for the Upavasatha of Buddish kulapati organization. Scouting can be introduced meditation, puja, dhūta-guna, six pāramitā, Catuh-saṁgraha-vestu, and other element of Buddhist practice, as the reference for increase the content depth and the pluralistic of activities. "Scout promise, law, motto" and "Bodhisattva Precepts", in today's practice and future cooperation, must consider: keeping with the times, the ability for research the spirit and provisions of the original precepts and reinterpret, cultivate interdisciplinary talents, develop the teaching material and plan for interdisciplinary cooperation, and reinforce the Academic Basis for the cooperation required.



童軍, 諾言, 規律, 銘言, 佛教, 菩薩戒, 比較研究, Scout promise, Scout law, Scout motto, Buddhism, Bodhisattva Precepts, Comparative Study





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